i Contents ASP Catalog Updates for BBS Users (Master Edition) 1 Chapter 1: How to read this catalog 2 1.1 Minimum requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.2 Registration benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.3 Sample product description . . . . . . . . . 5 Part 1: Shareware Products Chapter 2: Utilities 8 2.1 Disk utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.1.1 Hard disk utilities . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.1.2 Floppy disk utilities . . . . . . . . . 9 Disk duplicating . . . . . . . . . 10 Disk formatting . . . . . . . . . . 10 2.2 File utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 2.2.1 File encryption . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2.2.2 File archiving & compression . . . . . . 12 2.2.3 File comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 2.2.4 File viewers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2.3 Hardware utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2.3.1 CPU & memory utilities . . . . . . . . . 14 2.3.2 Screen utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Screen savers . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2.4 Printer utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2.4.1 Printer specific . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 PostScript . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2.5 System utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2.5.1 Operating systems . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2.5.2 Command processors . . . . . . . . . . . 17 2.5.3 Batch & macro utilities . . . . . . . . 18 Batch file compilers . . . . . . . 19 2.5.4 Configuration utilities . . . . . . . . 20 2.6 Desktop utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 2.6.1 Multi-function . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 2.6.2 Calculators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 2.6.3 Calendars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 2.6.4 Clocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 2.6.5 Phone dialers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Rolodex programs . . . . . . . . . 22 2.6.6 Alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 2.6.7 Notepads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 2.6.8 Personal information managers (PIMs) . . 24 2.6.9 Time management . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 2.7 Menu systems & file managers . . . . . . . . 28 2.7.1 Menu systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 2.7.2 Combined MS/FMs . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 ii 2.7.3 Work environment managers . . . . . . . 30 2.8 Security programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 2.9 Software tools & add-ins . . . . . . . . . . 30 2.9.1 For operating systems . . . . . . . . . 30 Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 2.9.2 For PKWARE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 For PKZIP/PKUNZIP . . . . . . . . . 31 2.9.3 For other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Chapter 3: Writing applications 32 3.1 Text editors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 3.2 Text organizers/outliners . . . . . . . . . . 33 3.3 Word processors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 3.4 Desktop publishing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 3.5 Spelling checkers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 3.6 Style checkers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 3.7 Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 3.8 Document boilerplates . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 3.8.1 Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 3.8.2 Legal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 3.9 Creativity & brainstorming . . . . . . . . . 37 3.10 Writing utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 3.11 Software tools & macros . . . . . . . . . . 39 3.11.1 For multiple programs . . . . . . . . . 39 3.11.2 For PC-Write . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 3.11.3 For Word . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 3.11.4 For WordStar . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 3.11.5 For WordPerfect . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 3.11.6 For other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Chapter 4: Spreadsheet applications 41 4.1 Spreadsheet programs . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 4.2 Spreadsheet utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Chapter 5: Database applications 42 5.1 Relational database managers . . . . . . . . 42 5.2 Flat-file database managers . . . . . . . . . 43 5.3 Mailing list systems . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 5.4 Database utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 5.5 Software tools & add-ins . . . . . . . . . . 45 5.5.1 For multiple programs . . . . . . . . . 46 5.5.2 For dBASE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 5.5.3 For Clipper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Chapter 6: Data 48 6.1 Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 6.2 Mapping data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 6.3 World facts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 6.4 Census data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Chapter 7: Business 49 7.1 Business finances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 7.1.1 Business accounting . . . . . . . . . . 49 7.2 Inventory systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 iii 7.3 Equipment use & maintenance . . . . . . . . . 50 7.4 Employee management/scheduling . . . . . . . 50 7.5 Project management . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 7.6 Client management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 7.7 Organization charts . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 7.8 Specific-field systems . . . . . . . . . . . 53 7.8.1 Food services . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 7.8.2 Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 7.8.3 Real estate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 7.9 Forms generators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 7.9.1 Forms processing . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 7.10 Marketing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 7.11 Training aids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 7.12 Business utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Chapter 8: Finances 56 8.1 Stock trading & analysis . . . . . . . . . . 56 8.2 Personal finances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 8.2.1 Checkbook managers . . . . . . . . . . . 57 8.3 Portfolio management . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 8.4 Financial calculators . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Chapter 9: Engineering 59 9.1 Industrial engineering . . . . . . . . . . . 59 9.2 Numerical control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 9.3 Surveying & cartography . . . . . . . . . . . 60 9.4 Engineering utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 9.5 Software tools & add-ins . . . . . . . . . . 60 9.5.1 For other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Chapter 10: Communications 61 10.1 Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 10.1.1 Network utilities . . . . . . . . . . . 61 10.2 Call logging & analysis . . . . . . . . . . 62 10.3 Communication utilities . . . . . . . . . . 63 Chapter 11: Computer programming 64 11.1 Languages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 11.1.1 Pascal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 OOP Pascal for DOS (Borland) . . . 64 11.1.2 Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 11.2 Programming utilities . . . . . . . . . . . 64 11.2.1 Desktop tools for programmers . . . . . 65 11.2.2 File format translators . . . . . . . . 65 Chapter 12: Education 66 12.1 Elementary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 12.2 High school . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 12.3 College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 12.4 Library/bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 12.5 Teachers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 12.6 Foreign language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 12.7 Geography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 12.8 Literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 iv 12.9 Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 12.10 Science & ecology . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 12.11 Writing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 12.12 Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Chapter 13: Graphics 72 13.1 Viewing programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 13.2 Drawing/editor programs . . . . . . . . . . 72 13.3 Paint programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 13.3.1 Graphics diversions . . . . . . . . . . 72 13.4 CAD/CAM applications . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 13.5 Business applications . . . . . . . . . . . 74 13.5.1 Mapping/cartography . . . . . . . . . . 75 13.6 Ready-made graphic images . . . . . . . . . 76 13.6.1 BMP images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 13.6.2 PCX images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 13.7 Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 13.7.1 File format translators . . . . . . . . 77 13.8 Software tools & add-ins . . . . . . . . . . 77 13.8.1 For AutoCAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Chapter 14: Home & hobby 79 14.1 Computers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 14.2 Collecting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 14.3 Fortune telling & astrology . . . . . . . . 79 14.4 Genealogy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 14.5 Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 14.5.1 Food/dietary/kitchen . . . . . . . . . 85 14.6 Household automation . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 14.7 Lottery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 14.8 Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 14.9 Personalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 14.10 Planes, trains & automobiles . . . . . . . 88 14.11 Reading (and writing, too) . . . . . . . . 88 14.12 Scouting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 14.13 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 14.13.1 Baseball/softball . . . . . . . . . . 90 Chapter 15: Religion & philosophy 91 15.1 The Bible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 15.1.1 Bible programs . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 15.2 New age/occult . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 15.3 Philosophy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 15.3.1 Metaphysics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Chapter 16: Games 94 16.1 Arcade games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 16.2 Non-card games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 16.3 Casino games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 16.4 Jokes & humor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 16.5 Practical jokes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 16.6 Sayings & stories . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 16.7 Simulators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 16.7.1 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 v 16.8 Strategy/simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 16.9 Trivia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 16.10 Word games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 16.11 For adults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Chapter 17: About shareware 101 17.1 For shareware authors . . . . . . . . . . 101 Part 2: Appendixes Appendix A: Author addresses 103 Appendix B: Vendor addresses 111 Appendix C: Bulletin Boards 114 Appendix D: Retired shareware 116 Appendix E: Sorted list of all programs 119 Appendix F: Supporting Members 122 Index 123 ASP Catalog Updates for BBS Users (Master Edition) th nd Updates to the 4 volume, 2 edition Published February 1, 1994 Copyright 1994 by the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP), a non-profit organization; all rights reserved. Any specific hardware/software names used in this catalog are the (registered) trademarks of specific companies. Individuals, bulletin board systems, national information systems, non-profit organizations, and government agencies may freely distribute this document in electronic form. For-profit disk vendor companies may distribute this document in electronic form if they have an ASP associate membership and if they charge only their normal distribution fees. All others must obtain prior written per- mission from the Association of Shareware Professionals. Write to the ASP at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442. The programs & services described in this catalog come from members of the Association of Shareware Professionals. This catalog may not list every ASP-member product and it may not be current. Send all comments about the catalog to the above address, or to CompuServe userID 70007,4004, or as a message in the CompuServe SHAREWARE forum. ASP strives to produce accurate catalogs BUT this publication may contain any number of typographical, graphical, printing, or interpretation errors. "These programs are produced by members of the Associa- tion of Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not provide technical support for members' products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442 or send a Compuserve message via Compuserve Mail to ASP Ombuds- man 70007,3536". The Ombudsman may be contacted by FAX by sending to the ASP FAX number: (616) 788-2765. In communication with the Ombudsman please include a tele- phone number and/or FAX if available. Please write to the ASP at the above address if you have any comments or questions about this catalog. ASP Catalog Updates for BBS Users (Master Edition) 2 Chapter 1 How to read this catalog ASP members have supplied product descriptions for each shareware application they offer. The catalog groups them by subject matter and lists them alphabetically. If you want to know the name/address/phone for the author of a particular program, turn to the index and look for the program by name. You'll usually see two page references: one describes the page where you read about the program, the other mentions the page where you can find information about the author (in Appendix A). Just turn to the appropriate page and scan for the name of the program. The Association of Shareware Professionals does NOT rate members' software for functionality or usefulness, nor can it attest to the validity of any product description in this catalog. That is for you - the user - to decide. Shareware, especially those products authorized to carry the ASP logo, can be tested on a "try before you buy" basis. If the software doesn't meet your needs, you won't have to worry about getting a refund. (That's the beauty of the shareware marketing concept.) 1.1 Minimum requirements Every program description lists its computer and operating system requirements (e.g. "IBM PC, DOS 2.0 or better"). Unless noted otherwise, each program assumes you have a standard keyboard, monitor, printer, and either two floppy drives or a hard disk. And unless noted otherwise, programs written for the IBM PC assume you have at least 512k of total installed RAM. Many pro- grams may also need specific hardware or software such as: CD-ROM drive A device capable of reading CD-ROMs. A CD-ROM looks just like a regular compact disk with music on it, but it has information on it only a computer's CD-ROM drive can read. CGA monitor A video monitor capable of displaying CGA graphics. This includes most "laptop CGA" computers, plus higher resolution monitors such as the EGA or VGA. Some (but not all) of the described programs may operate correctly with a Hercules monitor if you use a "CGA simulator" program; consult your video monitor manual for details. Dual 720k disk drives At least two floppy drives capable of writing at least 720k of data per disk, or, preferably, a hard disk (see below). ASP Catalog Updates for BBS Users (Master Edition) 3 EGA monitor A video monitor capable of displaying EGA graphics. This almost always includes VGA and other higher-resolution monitors. CGA and Hercules monitors won't suffice. EMS memory Memory accessible via the Lotus-Intel-Microsoft Expanded Memory Specification. Not to be confused with expanded memory, extended memory, or XMS memory (see below). Windows, OS/2, and newer versions of DOS come with software designed to implement EMS memory on computers with enough installed memory. Epson printer A printer capable of recognizing the Epson print command set (an industry standard). Some printers, including some laser printers, have options to behave like an Epson printer. Some programs may require a specific model such as the Epson MX-80 or FX-100. Hard disk A fixed-, removable-, or network-drive device capable of storing multiple megabytes of data. Some programs also assume you have at least one floppy drive in addition to the hard disk. Hercules monitor A video monitor capable of displaying Hercules graphics. CGA, EGA, VGA, & SVGA monitors won't suffice. HP DeskJet A Hewlett-Packard DeskJet or compatible printer. Some programs may require a DeskJet starting with a specific model such as the DeskJet Plus or having a specific feature like a RAM cartridge. HP LaserJet A Hewlett-Packard LaserJet or compatible printer. (HP DeskJet printers recognize most, but not all, of the HP LaserJet command set.) Some programs may require a specific model such as the LaserJet II or with a specific feature like the LaserJet IIIDSi. Math coprocessor An IBM PC or compatible computer with an installed math coprocessor unit. Commonly referred to as an "80x87 chip," these include the 8087, 80287, and 80387 coprocessors. (80486- and Pentium-based computers have math coprocessors by default.) Most 8086-, 80286-, and 80386-based IBM PCs & compatibles have no installed math coprocessor by default. (80286- and 80386-based computers can accept a math coprocessor if you purchase one.) Modem A modem. Almost all programs work with a "Hayes compatible" modem, specifically one able to recognize the Hayes command set (an industry standard). A few programs claim to work with non- Hayes modems too. Some programs may require the modem to operate at a specific rate of speed (e.g. "1200 baud"). Mouse A Logitec- or Microsoft-compatible mouse. ASP Catalog Updates for BBS Users (Master Edition) 4 Network A computer hooked up a local area network (LAN). Program descriptions will normally specify the different types of LAN systems under which they can operate. Plotter A plotter output device. Many of the described programs need a plotter able to recognize the HPGL (Hewlett Packard Graphics Language) command set. PostScript printer A printer able to interpret the PostScriptr command set. Many printers (including the HP LaserJet series) offer PostScript compatibility via plug-in cartridges. Software also exists to emulate PostScript on hundreds of popular printers. SVGA monitor A video monitor capable of displaying SVGA graphics. This almost always includes higher- resolution monitors. CGA, EGA, VGA, and Hercules monitors won't suffice. Streaming tape device A device capable of reading streaming tapes. Also referred to as a "tape backup device." Streaming tapes look something like a standard music cassette or videocassette, but it holds information only a computer can read. Common streaming tapes include DC600, DC2000, DC2120; tape storage formats include QIC-40 and QIC-80. VGA monitor A video monitor capable of displaying VGA graphics. This almost always includes higher- resolution monitors. CGA, EGA, and Hercules monitors won't suffice. XMS memory Memory accessible via the Lotus-Intel-Microsoft eXtended Memory Specification. Not to be confused with expanded memory, extended memory, or EMS memory (see above). Windows, OS/2, and newer versions of DOS come with software designed to implement XMS memory on computers with enough installed memory. 1.2 Registration benefits All ASP member shareware products come with certain minimum benefits when you register. The author must acknowledge your registration (you don't just get a canceled check) and must provide a minimum amount of technical support for at least three months. Many authors provide other registration benefits such as a printed manual, a master disk, a year of unlimited phone support, source code, etc. The product description will mention them when appropriate. ASP Catalog Updates for BBS Users (Master Edition) 5 In addition, every ASP member can offer the following benefits to registered customers: CompuServe IntroPak obtain an introductory membership to the Compu- Serve network with a $15 usage credit when you register an ASP member's shareware product. Shareware Magazine get a discount when you subscribe to Shareware Magazine. Many authors include this information when they acknowledge registrations. Contact the author if you need assistance. Some authors add "registration reminder screens" to the shareware version of a program as a way to gently remind people to register. (The ASP sets ethical standards regarding it.) Almost all authors will either send a copy of the program without reminder screens, or will disclose a method to disable the reminders, once you register the product. 1.3 Sample product description This sample description will help you understand what each field means: Product: Shareware Program Name [***] A "[***]" across from the product name indicates a new or updated description since the last catalog. Author: name & phone number of the person or company offering this product. See Appendix A for detailed information about the person or company. Version: version number (release date) Needs: computer type [IBM PC, IBM 80386, Macintosh, etc.], operating system, and version number. May also describe other needed or recommended hardware & software. See above for more details. Registration fee: The cost of a single user license, expressed in U.S. currency unless otherwise noted. Many authors provide "multi-tier" registrations, and you may pay a little more or less than the amount stated here depending on your situation. (You can often save money by "reading the fine print.") Some authors include shipping & handling fees in the prices while others don't. Most authors offer network, site, and corporate licenses for a higher fee; please contact the author in question for details and price quotes. SWREG#: applies only to CompuServe users. You can register this product on CompuServe and have the cost added to your service bill. This method of payment proves especially useful for (1) overseas users who don't have a credit card accepted by the author; and (2) business customers who find it easier to register shareware by tacking the fee onto a corporate- ASP Catalog Updates for BBS Users (Master Edition) 6 sponsored CompuServe account. CompuServe users should GO CIS:SWREG for more details. PsL#: you can register this product via the Public (software) Library, and you can pay for it with your MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Optima, or Discover card. Call (800) 242-4775, have your credit card handy, and have the product's PsL registration number handy. (Overseas customers should call U.S. 713-524-6394.) Or if you want to fax your shareware purchase order to PsL, fax it to (713) 524-6398. Registration benefits: Describes the benefits you get for regis- tering the software. All ASP shareware programs come with cer- tain minimum benefits (see above for details). Look for: FILENAME.EXT on BBSs (call xxx-xxx-xxxx to download it at no charge); FNAME.EXT in GATE:FORUM forum LIB 9 on Compu- Serve (or contact userID 78901,2345 for assistance); FILE- NAME.EXT in ROUNDTABLE RTC LIB 9 on GEnie (or contact userID J.QAUTHOR for assistance). Download size: the size of the file(s) to download, in kilobytes. A 2400 baud modem can download about 14 kilobytes per minute under normal conditions. Special instructions: tells if the author limits product distribution to the United States. In some cases the author or company may have signed a contract forbidding worldwide share- ware distribution. In other cases the product may only appeal to an American audience (income tax software for example). In rare cases, U.S. federal laws may actually prohibit the author or company from distributing the product in other countries. Editor's note: the catalog editor may append text of his own if something needs further explanation. Description: a paragraph or two of text which describes the shareware product in detail. This information comes direct from the author or company behind the program. Chapter 1, "Shareware Products" 7 PART 1 Shareware Products Chapter 2, "Utilities" 8 Chapter 2 Utilities 2.1 Disk utilities 2.1.1 Hard disk utilities Product: DaMenu [***] DOS Application MENuing Utility. See full description on page 28. Product: Hard at Work [***] You take a break while the computer "works" See full description on page 96. Product: Jason's File Finder [***] Author: RMH Computer Services, 317-782-9903 Version: 2.0d (09-03-93) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 3.0 or better. Program can run safely on a system with no hard disk and only one floppy disk drive. Strongly recommended: Hard disk. Registration fee: $10.00 Registration benefits: lifetime unlimited phone, BBS, CompuServe, mail support; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5); disks of other shareware. Look for: JFF20D.ZIP on BBSs (call 317-784-2147 to download it at no charge); JFF.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMSYS forum LIBrary 6 (or contact userID 73567,1547 for assistance). SWREG#: 1493 Download size: 37k (about three minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Powerful, fast, and extremely easy-to-use DOS file finder. Will search for multiple file specs, and accepts standard DOS wildcard characters. Searches across multiple drives, either specific or a "range" of drives, and can also search in specific directories. Accepts any combinations of the above. Optionally, can perform a DOS command on every file found. Will also calculate total byte counts for found files. Chapter 2, "Utilities" 9 Product: LK4.EXE [***] Author: GTX Software, 213-257-2704 Version: 2.0 (10-20-91) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 3.0 or better. Registration fee: $10.00 Registration benefits: 3 months of support. 12-month free upgrading allowed. Look for: LK4.ZIP on BBSs (call 414-789-4352 to download it at no charge); LK4.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMSYS forum LIBrary 6 (or contact userID 71210,3632 for assistance). Download size: 33k (about three minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: A fast file finder that searches across all hard drives or selected drives. User enters a string and it will search all hard drives for filenames containing the string. If LK4 is entered without a search string, it will search hard drives for duplicate filenames. When it completes the search, all located files are displayed in a window and the user may view, tag, or delete selected files. Users may also automatically change to the directory containing the selected file. Product: LoveDOS [***] The computer falls in love with you. See full description on page 96. 2.1.2 Floppy disk utilities Product: Jason's File Finder [***] DOS file finder, searches multiple drives. See full description on page 8. Product: MAXI Form [***] Author: Herne Data Systems Ltd, 519-366-2732 Version: 1.7 (02-14-92) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 3.2 or better. 360k/720k/1.2meg/1.44meg floppy drive. Registration fee: $10.00 Registration benefits: 3 months of support. 2-month free upgrading allowed. Look for: availability unknown on BBSs; MAXI*.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMHW forum LIBrary 1 (or contact userID 72060,1153 for assistance); MAXI*.ZIP on GEnie in IBMPC forum LIBrary 0 (or contact userID MIKLOS.G for assistance). Download size: 71k (about six minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: A floppy disk formatting program that gives more space on a disk: 360k disks are expanded to 420k, 720 becomes 800k, 1.2 meg becomes 1.4 meg and 1.44 meg is boosted to 1.6 meg. The disks are user transparent to DOS version 3.20 or later and can be used interchangeably with normal DOS disks. Chapter 2, "Utilities" 10 Disk duplicating Product: SAB Diskette Utility [***] Author: Stewart A. Berman Version: 2.50 (01-01-94) Needs: IBM AT (80286), Windows 3.1 or better. Program can run safely on a system with no hard disk and only one floppy disk drive. Registration fee: $20.00 (add $7.50 for shipping to U.S. addresses) Registration benefits: choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); lifetime unlimited CompuServe, mail support. 6-month free upgrading allowed. Look for: SABDU250.ZIP on BBSs; SDU250.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:WINSHARE forum LIBrary 8 (or contact userID 76366,1664 for assistance). SWREG#: 1256 Download size: 300k (about 23 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: The Windows diskette utility. Using disk drives under Windows is easy & efficient when you can: * Format/copy/compare/save floppy diskette images in foreground or background * Read a diskette once and make multiple copies * Save images to hard drive * Convert diskette image formats while preserving boot and reserve sectors * Create distribution sets with group restores * Browse diskettes and saved diskette images Includes extensive online help Disk formatting Product: SAB Diskette Utility [***] Format/copy/convert/save diskette images. See full description on page 10. 2.2 File utilities Product: BatchMaker Plus [***] Author: Northland Multisoft, 818-963-6355 Version: 2.6 (07-01-93) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 3.1 or better. 640k RAM; CGA monitor; Hard disk. CGA, HARD DRIVE. Registration fee: $25.00 (add $3.00 for shipping to U.S. addresses) (add $10.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $15.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 6 months of phone, mail support; bonus utilities; disks of other shareware; discounts on other Chapter 2, "Utilities" 11 products. 6-month free upgrading allowed. 1 free update disk(s) sent out. Look for: BTMK26.ZIP on BBSs; BTMK26.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:0 forum LIBrary 0; BTMK26.ZIP on GEnie in 0 forum LIBrary 0. Download size: 380k (about 28 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: FILE MENU Menu of up to 500 files. Disk & computer info, calculator & calendar DOS UTILITY Double DIR DOS utility, DIR tree, disk info, view & print files, attribute change, execute files, move/copy/rename file & DIR, erase, mkdir/rmdir, large file copy, group copy & erase, more FILE EDITOR DOS help, cut & paste, locate, print, make batch file assist DISK FUNCTIONS Disk commands with options menu LOAN & SAVINGS to get you started Mouse support. Product: File Finder for Windows [***] Powerful file finder for Windows 3.x. See full description on page 31. Product: FileBUDDY [***] Author: Lenard Dean Version: 3.11 (12-18-93) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 3.0 or better. 640k RAM; CGA monitor; Dual 720k floppy drives. Strongly recommended: SVGA monitor; Hard disk; HP LaserJet printer; Mouse; EMS memory; XMS memory. Registration fee: $20.00 (add $3.50 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); lifetime unlimited CompuServe, mail support. Lifetime free upgrading allowed. Look for: FB311.EXE on BBSs (call 519-942-3612 to download it at no charge); FILBUD.EXE on CompuServe in CIS:PICS forum LIBrary 2 (or contact userID 70312,415 for assistance). Download size: 244k (about 18 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Editor's note: The author claims to accept local-currency checks from non-U.S. customers. Description: A simple but unique file viewer that lets you view and manipulate ASCII, DBF, ARC, ARJ, LZH, PAK, ZIP, BIF, BMP, GIF, JPEG, PCX, TARGA, and TIF files. dBASE support includes database management and a report writer. Archive support includes archiving, extracting, and deleting files. Image support includes processing, cropping, saving across formats, "slide-show" viewing, and printing to a HP LaserJet/DeskJet, Epson 24-pin dot-matrix, or compatible printer. Chapter 2, "Utilities" 12 Product: LK4.EXE [***] File finder. See full description on page 8. 2.2.1 File encryption See also: Utilities, Security programs. Product: BCM Menu System [***] Menu, disk maint,text editor & compress shell. See full description on page 29. Product: Utility_Belt [***] .BAT file enhancements. See full description on page 18. 2.2.2 File archiving & compression Product: ARCHIVE TRACKER [***] Author: Robert Barrentine Consulting, 301-490-7104 Version: 1.0 (12-20-93) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 3.0 or better. 275k RAM; Hard disk. Registration fee: $35.00 (add $3.00 for shipping to U.S. addresses) (add $3.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $5.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); lifetime unlimited tollfree 800# phone, fax, CompuServe, mail support; discounts on upgrades. 1 free update disk(s) sent out. Look for: ACTR10.ZIP on BBSs; ACTR10.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMSYS forum LIBrary 6 (or contact userID 100014,2347 for assistance). Download size: 271k (about 20 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Consists of a recommended file archiving system and the implementing software that keeps track of the archived computer files. Software reads archive directories and stores file data in database that can be searched to locate specified files. Chapter 2, "Utilities" 13 2.2.3 File comparison Product: PMFLCOMP [***] Author: American Coders, LTD., 919-846-2014 Version: 1.41 (01-03-94) Needs: IBM 80386, OS/2 2.0 or better. 4000k RAM; Hard disk. Strongly recommended: CGA monitor; Hercules monitor. Registration fee: $45.00 (add $5.00 for shipping to U.S. addresses) (add $10.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $25.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 3 months of phone, CompuServe, mail support; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5). 3-month free upgrading allowed. 2 free update disk(s) sent out. Look for: PMFLCOMP.ZIP on BBSs; FLCOMP.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:OS2USER forum LIBrary 4 (or contact userID 74150,2370 for assistance). Download size: 75k (about six minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Compares two files using three different methods: 1. Ascii/line: compares two files on a line by line basis. An excellent tool for comparing differences in source programs. 2. Hex/binary: compares two files on a byte by byte basis. A comprehensive listing to compare right down to the bit level. 3. Checksum: comparees two files by calculating a checksum value for both files. The fastest way to compare two files. Provides options to customize the comparison type. Product: WDiff [***] Author: C.Sitte Softwaretechnik Version: 1.11 (12-30-93) Needs: IBM PC, Windows 3.0 or better. Registration fee: $20.00 (add $5.00 for shipping to U.S. addresses) (add $5.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $5.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 6 months of CompuServe, mail support; bonus utilities; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5); disks of other shareware. Look for: WDIFF111.ZIP on BBSs; WDIFF.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:WINSHARE forum LIBrary 2 (or contact userID 73030,1070 for assistance). SWREG#: 1772 Download size: 75k (about six minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Displays the differences between two text files or between two directories or ZIP archives. The two text files (or directories) are displayed side by side. Different sections are marked with separator lines and different colors. Especially useful to see the differences between two versions of a text file or to show the differences between two sets of files, Chapter 2, "Utilities" 14 where one or both sets can reside in a ZIP archive. Various formatting and comparison options. 2.2.4 File viewers See also: Writing applications. Product: PMFLCOMP [***] ASCII/hex/checksum file compare for OS/2. See full description on page 13. Product: PopDBF [***] 4k TSR for "instant access to X-Base files" See full description on page 46. Product: WDiff [***] Windows file/directory difference viewer. See full description on page 13. 2.3 Hardware utilities 2.3.1 CPU & memory utilities Product: BOOT.SYS [***] The heavy-duty configuration manager. See full description on page 20. 2.3.2 Screen utilities Product: A Batch View [***] Menus/msgs/info/utilities for DOS batch files. See full description on page 18. Product: Utility_Belt [***] .BAT file enhancements. See full description on page 18. Screen savers If you see "bonus graphics" as a registration benefit for any of these products, it usually means the author will scan the color image of your choice for use in your screen saver. Please contact the author of the product for more details. Chapter 2, "Utilities" 15 Product: Seascape [***] Author: Advanced Computer Tektonics, 415-424-1403 Version: 1.4 (11-26-93) Needs: IBM 80386, Windows 3.1 or better. Registration fee: $10.00 (add $2.00 for shipping to U.S. addresses) (add $2.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $2.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: 6 months of unlimited CompuServe, mail support; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5). Look for: availability unknown on BBSs; SEAS14.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:WINFUN forum LIBrary 4 (or contact userID 71204,2226 for assistance). Download size: 175k (about 13 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: A Windows 3.1 screen saver which displays relatively realistic fish (Sergeant Majors) and tiny animals on which they feed. The animation quality is far better than in the usual cartoon-like fish screen savers, winning comments from users such as "Beautiful design job" and "Great fish! Just like the real thing" and "It looks beautiful!", and leading PC Computing (May '93) to select it as a "Best Bet". 2.4 Printer utilities See also: Spreadsheet applications, Spreadsheet utilities; Database applications, Mailing list systems. Product: ON-SIDE [***] Author: Expressware Corporation, 206-788-0932 Version: 2.0 (10-20-93) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.0 or better. 256k RAM; Program can run safely on a system with no hard disk and only one floppy disk drive; CGA monitor; Epson printer. Registration fee: $24.95 (add $5.00 for shipping to U.S. addresses) (add $10.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $23.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 3 months of unlimited phone, fax, BBS, CompuServe, mail support; discounts on other products; discounts on upgrades. 1-month free upgrading allowed. Look for: ONSIDE.ZIP on BBSs (call 206-788-4008 to download it at no charge); ONSIDE.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMAPP forum LIBrary 6 (or contact userID 75226,2020 for assistance). Download size: 360k (about 27 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Easy-to-use sideways printing program. Ten font styles included or create your own. Existing fonts can be edited using the font editor. On-screen drawing makes the process easy. Fonts can be magnified and stretched to over 25 sizes each. All aspects of printing can be controlled: print can be double struck for darker print, top and bottom can be set, character width and height can be varied and letter spacing controlled. Chapter 2, "Utilities" 16 2.4.1 Printer specific Product: Citizen [***] Author: R.K. West Consulting Version: 3.2a (01-13-94) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.11 or better. 512k RAM; Program can run safely on a system with no hard disk and only one floppy disk drive. Citizen MSP or Tribute printer. Strongly recommended: Hard disk. Registration fee: $0.00 Registration benefits: No registration fee required. Look for: CTZN32A.ZIP on BBSs (call 718-837-3236 to download it at no charge); CITZEN.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMHW forum LIBrary 2 (or contact userID 72301,435 for assistance). Download size: 113k (about nine minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: This menu-driven utility lets you control the fonts on your Citizen MSP or Tribute printer. You can also print small text files and type envelopes from the program. PostScript Product: Over_LAZ PS [***] Author: Herne Data Systems Ltd, 519-366-2732 Version: 3 (01-15-93) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.0 or better. Postscript printer. WordPerfect 5.x, WordStar, PC-Write, dBase. Registration fee: $25.00 Registration benefits: 3 months of support; bonus templates. Look for: availability unknown on BBSs; OVERPS.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMAPP forum LIBrary 2 (or contact userID 72060,1153 for assistance); OVERPS.ZIP on GEnie in IBMPC forum LIBrary 0 (or contact userID MIKLOS.G for assistance). Download size: 117k (about nine minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: A collection of over 75 printer overlay files for WordPerfect 5.0 or later, WordStar, PC-Write, dBase and other applications and a PostScript compatible printer. Includes standard office forms (inter office memo, FAX transmittal, etc) as well as rubber stamps (draft, confidential, etc) and decorative page borders. Automatically printed on the page over your document. 2.5 System utilities 2.5.1 Operating systems See also: Utilities, Software tools & add-ins, For operating systems. Product: BOOT.SYS [***] The heavy-duty configuration manager. See full description on page 20. Chapter 2, "Utilities" 17 Product: Task Killer [***] Author: Hyperion Microsystems Version: 1.5 (01-26-94) Needs: IBM 80386, Windows 3.1 or better. Registration fee: $15.00 Registration benefits: lifetime unlimited CompuServe, mail support; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5). Lifetime free upgrading allowed. Look for: KILL15.ZIP on BBSs; KILL15.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:WINSHARE forum LIBrary 6 (or contact userID 76370,3353 for assistance). Download size: 138k (about ten minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: List modules (EXEs and DLLs) in memory and terminate them or decrement their usage counts. Save, print, and compare module lists. Find where DLL's or EXE's were executed from. 3D MDI interface with toolbar and online help. Indispensable for programmers, network adminstrators, tech support, and power users. Find out what's really going on in your system! Features include VBXs, module version information, and module size in memory. 2.5.2 Command processors Product: Task Scheduler for DOS [***] Author: Simian Id Software, 314-781-8709 Version: 2.5 (08-01-93) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 3.0 or better. 3k RAM. Registration fee: $35.00 (add $3.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); lifetime unlimited phone, CompuServe, mail support; discounts on other products. Look for: SCHEDTSK.ZIP on BBSs (call 314-638-3041 to download it at no charge); SCHEDT.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:DOS SHAREW forum LIBrary 9 (or contact userID 73613,3606 for assistance). SWREG#: 1855 Download size: 85k (about seven minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: A task and event manager which will schedule and run any programs. This means you can run unattended backups or other processes any time of the day or night just by setting the date and time, and listing the programs to be run. Programs can be run once, daily, weekly, monthly, or at an interval you set! TSR only requires 2.5k when resident. Chapter 2, "Utilities" 18 2.5.3 Batch & macro utilities Product: A Batch View [***] Author: Robin R. Latham, 817-263-4056 Version: 1.1 (09-30-93) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 3.0 or better. 32k RAM; Program can run safely on a system with no hard disk and only one floppy disk drive. Strongly recommended: CGA monitor; Hard disk. Registration fee: $15.00 (add $5.00 for shipping to U.S. addresses) (add $5.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $10.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); lifetime phone, CompuServe, mail support; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5). 24-month free upgrading allowed. 24 free update disk(s) sent out. Look for: ABATVIEW.ZIP on BBSs; ABTVEW.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMSYS forum LIBrary 1 (or contact userID 72614,602 for assistance). Download size: 138k (about ten minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Eight programs make up a utility set designed to enhance your batch Files. Operates in color or monochrome text modes. A pop- up menu program with selectable colors, shadowing, text or ASCII code wallpapered backgrounds, 48 selections. A pop-up message program (same options) with system info. DOS echo replacement for color text and graphic symbols. Scrolling messages/billboard marquee program. (multi-option) color screen clearing, information, system utility programs. Text file viewer Product: BatchMaker Plus [***] Batch menu, DIR utility, editor, desk utility. See full description on page 10. Product: Task Scheduler for DOS [***] Schedule task/programs to run anytime. See full description on page 17. Chapter 2, "Utilities" 19 Product: Utility_Belt [***] Author: Herne Data Systems Ltd, 519-366-2732 Version: 1.1a (02-14-92) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 3.0 or better. Registration fee: $25.00 Registration benefits: 3 months of support. 2-month free upgrading allowed. Look for: availability unknown on BBSs; BELT1A.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMSYS forum LIBrary 3 (or contact userID 72060,1153 for assistance); BELT1A.ZIP on GEnie in IBMPC forum LIBrary 0 (or contact userID MIKLOS.G for assistance). Download size: 59k (about five minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: A collection of 18 utilities designed to simplify the creation of professional looking DOS .BATch files. Six interactive utilities (SELECT, CONFIRM, WAIT, GETKEY, SLEEP, BLEEP) accept user input. Nine video utilities add pizzazz to displays and allow full access to all video text pages on CGA, EGA and VGA system (VPAT, VPCLS, VPFLIP, VPTNT, VPSET, VPBH, VPSTRIPE, VPBOX, VPCOPY). Three security and diagnostic utilities (REBOOT, HANG, WHATIS) are also included. Batch file compilers See also: Computer programming, Languages. Product: PowerBatch [***] Author: CSD, Inc., 404-926-9565 Version: 2.0 (12-01-93) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.1 or better. 128k RAM; Program can run safely on a system with no hard disk and only one floppy disk drive. Strongly recommended: Hard disk. Registration fee: $30.00 (add $3.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 12 months of fax, CompuServe, mail support; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5); discounts on other products; discounts on upgrades. Look for: PWRBAT20.ZIP on BBSs; PWRBAT.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMSYS forum LIBrary 1 (or contact userID 72701,155 for assistance). Download size: 255k (about 19 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Provides a replacement language for DOS batch files. If you can write a DOS batch file you can create your own .EXE replacement. More flexibility than batch files. Creates stand- alone .EXE program, no enhancer file to drag along. Total color control, fast screen writes, inputs from the keyboard, true defined variables, program flow control, access to system info (environ variables, disk types, file sizes, etc). Execute any external non-TSR .EXE, .COM, .BAT or DOS command. Over 80 cmds. Chapter 2, "Utilities" 20 2.5.4 Configuration utilities See also: Computer programming, Languages. Product: BOOT.SYS [***] Author: Salvisberg Software & Consulting Version: 2.02 (01-06-93) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.11 or better. 256k RAM; Program can run safely on a system with no hard disk and only one floppy disk drive. Strongly recommended: Hard disk. Registration fee: $39.00 (add $5.00 for shipping to U.S. addresses) (add $5.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $11.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 3 months of toll 900# phone, CompuServe, mail support; Lifetime free upgrading allowed. Free CompuServe IntroPak. Look for: BOOT202.ZIP on BBSs (call 909-681-6221 to download it at no charge); BOOTSY.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMSYS forum LIBrary 1 (or contact userID 73237,3556 for assistance); BOOT202.ZIP on GEnie in IBMPC forum LIBrary 15. Download size: 210k (about 16 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Gives you one or more menus out of CONFIG.SYS to select your configuration while you're booting up. Has all the features of DOS6 multi-config, plus a pretty menu; if/then/else, use of variables, and on-the-fly editing in CONFIG.SYS; reboot from the cmd line; installation program, automatically upgrades DOS6 multi-config; more! Does not write to your disk! No resident driver under DOS6! Up to 20 items per menu, 25 menus. MS/PC-DOS 2.11 to 6.2, DR DOS 5.0/6.0, supports DOS= cmd, QEMM7. 2.6 Desktop utilities Product: BatchMaker Plus [***] Batch menu, DIR utility, editor, desk utility. See full description on page 10. 2.6.1 Multi-function Product: Around The House [***] Complete personal/home information manager. See full description on page 24. Chapter 2, "Utilities" 21 Product: Master Control [***] Author: DataTek Computer Services, 215-374-2097 Version: 1.40 (11-25-93) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.11 or better. 512k RAM; Hard disk. Strongly recommended: CGA monitor; Mouse. Registration fee: $39.00 (add $2.00 for shipping to U.S. addresses) (add $3.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $5.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); lifetime unlimited phone, BBS, newsletter, mail support; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5); discounts on other products. Look for: MC140SW.ZIP on BBSs (call 215-374-3735 to download it at no charge). Download size: 391k (about 29 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Contains our popular contact manager and appointment scheduler programs and adds a File Manager, an Application Launcher and too many utilities to list here. Mouse aware, easy to use. Written for computer novices to experts. 2.6.2 Calculators See also: Spreadsheet applications; Finances, Financial calculators. Product: CALC_JNC [***] Author: James N. Cox, 215-538-7363 Version: 9.51 (02-20-93) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 3.0 or better. 58k RAM. Registration fee: $25.00 (add $4.00 for shipping to U.S. addresses) (add $6.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $6.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 6 months of unlimited phone, CompuServe, GEnie, mail support; bonus utilities; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5). 12-month free upgrading allowed. 1 free update disk(s) sent out. Look for: CALJNC95.SDN on BBSs (call 215-721-7039 to download it at no charge); CALJNC.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMPRO forum LIBrary 6 (or contact userID 76665,3443 for assistance); CALJNC.ZIP on GEnie in IBMPC forum LIBrary 15 (or contact userID J.COX32 for assistance). SWREG#: 187 PsL#: 10738 Download size: 64k (about five minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Automatic conversions between decimal, hex, octal and binary. Logical operations supported: not, and, nand, or, xor, nor, neg, rol, ror, modulus. Entry of complex floating point calculations supported. Logarithms, sin, cos, tan, hyperbolas, time, fixed, decimal, pi, roots, factorials, and much more. Other features: Chapter 2, "Utilities" 22 * Load as a TSR * Displayable memories * Colors * Moveable anywhere on screen * On-line help * Printer support * Interactive manual 2.6.3 Calendars Product: Above & Beyond [***] PIM for planning, managing your busy schedule. See full description on page 24. Product: Mayan Calendar [***] Converts Mayan/modern calendar dates. See full description on page 80. Product: Personal Calendar (PC) for DOS [***] TSR PIM appointment reminder, clock, calendar. See full description on page 26. 2.6.4 Clocks Product: Personal Calendar (PC) for DOS [***] TSR PIM appointment reminder, clock, calendar. See full description on page 26. 2.6.5 Phone dialers See also: Communications, Call logging & analysis. Product: Above & Beyond [***] PIM for planning, managing your busy schedule. See full description on page 24. Product: Little Black Book [***] Personal address book and telephone dialer. See full description on page 25. Rolodex programs Product: PopDBF [***] 4k TSR for "instant access to X-Base files" See full description on page 46. 2.6.6 Alarms Product: Above & Beyond [***] PIM for planning, managing your busy schedule. See full description on page 24. Chapter 2, "Utilities" 23 Product: DR. Memory [***] Author: Cooney Applied Technology Version: 3.3 (01-09-94) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 3.3 or better. 250k RAM; Program can run safely on a system with no hard disk and only one floppy disk drive. Strongly recommended: EGA monitor; Hard disk. Registration fee: $0.00 Registration benefits: lifetime BBS, CompuServe, mail support; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5). Look for: DRM33.ZIP on BBSs (call 513-274-0821 to download it at no charge); DRM33.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMSYS forum LIBrary 7 (or contact userID 71001,1370 for assistance). Download size: 135k (about ten minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: yet another of the many "E-Z to use reminder" programs written over the past few years that remind you of appointments, holidays, etc. Has the good features of the others, yet none of the complexity and complication, and is easy and quick to use. User's Manual is included. Try it, you'll love it! Product: Personal Calendar (PC) for DOS [***] TSR PIM appointment reminder, clock, calendar. See full description on page 26. 2.6.7 Notepads Product: BOXER Text Editor [***] Full-featured text editor/word processor. See full description on page 32. Product: BOXER/OS2 Text Editor [***] Full-featured text editor/word processor. See full description on page 32. Chapter 2, "Utilities" 24 2.6.8 Personal information managers (PIMs) Product: Above & Beyond [***] Author: 1Soft Corp., 707-987-0256 Version: 3.0 (12-21-93) Needs: IBM AT (80286), Windows 3.0 or better. Registration fee: $99.00 (add $10.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $10.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; 31/2" master disk(s); 3 months of unlimited phone, fax, CompuServe, mail support; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5). Look for: availability unknown on BBSs; AB.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:WINSHARE forum LIBrary 12 (or contact userID 71240,1625 for assistance); AB.ZIP on GEnie in IBMPC forum LIBrary 0. Download size: 250k (about 19 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: A powerful Windows PIM for managing your busy schedule. Its unique dynamic scheduling makes planning your work and staying organized quick and easy. Daily, weekly and monthly views. Handles all types of recurring items. Timers, pop-up calendars, alarms, etc. All completed items are logged. There's a contact manager for addresses and phone numbers with auto-dialing and notes space. You can even schedule programs to execute automatically. Built-in LAN support for group scheduling. Product: Appointment Scheduler [***] Appointment scheduling 15 minute increments. See full description on page 26. Product: Around The House [***] Author: RMH Computer Services, 317-782-9903 Version: 2.01 (01-19-94) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.1 or better. 512k RAM; Hard disk. Registration fee: $29.00 (add $5.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 3 months of unlimited phone, BBS, CompuServe, mail support; bonus utilities; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5); disks of other shareware; discounts on other products. 1 free update disk(s) sent out. Look for: ATH201.ZIP on BBSs (call 317-784-2147 to download it at no charge); ATH.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMAPP forum LIBrary 7 (or contact userID 73567,1547 for assistance). SWREG#: 1594 Download size: 420k (about 31 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Complete household information manager. Maintain names, addresses, phone numbers, birthdays, Christmas card lists, etc. Print mailing labels from database. Track home inventory, model/serial numbers, location, value. Keep notes, from recipes to a personal diary. Track auto repair and maintenance. Shows income, expenses, and "what's left". Many pre-defined reports; allows user-defined reports. Has an appointment calendar and Chapter 2, "Utilities" 25 basic "word processor" for mail-merge letters. Context- sensitive help. Product: Contact Scheduler [***] Author: DataTek Computer Services, 215-374-2097 Version: 1.70 (11-25-93) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.11 or better. 384k RAM; Program can run safely on a system with no hard disk and only one floppy disk drive. Strongly recommended: CGA monitor; Hard disk; Mouse. Registration fee: $30.00 (add $2.00 for shipping to U.S. addresses) (add $3.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $5.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); lifetime unlimited phone, BBS, newsletter, mail support; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5); discounts on other products. Look for: CS170SW.ZIP on BBSs (call 215-374-3735 to download it at no charge). Download size: 224k (about 17 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: A fully integrated version of our popular contact manager and appointment scheduler programs. All the features of these programs are available plus we've added the ability for the programs to share data to keep you on top of your schedule and your clients. Product: DR. Memory [***] Easy, powerful, tickler/reminder program. See full description on page 22. Product: Little Black Book [***] Author: GTX Software, 213-257-2704 Version: 6.00 (01-30-94) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 3.3 or better. EGA monitor; Dual 720k floppy drives; Hard disk; HP DeskJet printer; HP LaserJet printer; Hayes-compatible modem. Strongly recommended: VGA monitor. Registration fee: $25.00 (add $10.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 12 months of phone, BBS, CompuServe, mail support; bonus utilities. 12-month free upgrading allowed. Look for: LBB600.ZIP on BBSs (call 414-789-4352 to download it at no charge); LBB600.ZI on CompuServe in CIS:IBMSYS forum LIBrary 7 (or contact userID 71210,3632 for assistance). Download size: 104k (about eight minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: A full featured address book manager. Maintain personal and business records, limited only by available disk space. Functions as a command line telephone dialer or 5k TSR. Print a pocket sized directory. Context sensitive help. International Chapter 2, "Utilities" 26 dialing support. Mouse supported. Maintains up to 10 user selected categories. Import/export database. Supports predial and postdial codes. Support dot matrix and laser printers. Product: Personal Calendar (PC) for DOS [***] Author: FunStuff Software, 703-435-1110 Version: 14.62 (10-07-93) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 3.0 or better. 6k RAM; Program can run safely on a system with no hard disk and only one floppy disk drive. Operates with DOS 2.1 if not used as a TSR. Strongly recommended: Hard disk; EMS memory. Registration fee: $39.00 (add $4.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 12 months of phone, fax, BBS, CompuServe, mail support; bonus utilities; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5); discounts on other products; discounts on upgrades. Look for: PCAL1462.ZIP on BBSs (call 703-323-6423 to download it at no charge); PERCAL.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMSYS forum LIBrary 7 (or contact userID 71141,1224 for assistance). SWREG#: 280 PsL#: 10115 Download size: 192k (about 14 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Friendly Personal Information Manager (PIM) displays a 3-month scrollable calendar, a running analog/digital clock, a time- oriented event list of your appointments, and your notes. Printable for pocket/purse. Keeps a historical diary. Warnings and alarms tell when events are pending or overdue. Flexible menu interface, run as a TSR or normal program. TSR can interrupt you at the earliest event. Extremely stable, environment sensitive TSR is a 6k kernel, with the balance swapped to EMS or disk. 2.6.9 Time management Product: Above & Beyond [***] PIM for planning, managing your busy schedule. See full description on page 24. Chapter 2, "Utilities" 27 Product: Appointment Scheduler [***] Author: DataTek Computer Services, 215-374-2097 Version: 3.21 (11-25-93) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.11 or better. 384k RAM; Program can run safely on a system with no hard disk and only one floppy disk drive. Strongly recommended: CGA monitor; Hard disk; Mouse. Registration fee: $25.00 (add $2.00 for shipping to U.S. addresses) (add $3.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $5.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); lifetime unlimited phone, BBS, newsletter, mail support; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5); discounts on other products. Look for: AS321SW.ZIP on BBSs (call 215-374-3735 to download it at no charge). Download size: 90k (about seven minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Allows you to schedule appointments on a 15-minute increment screen. Mouse aware, cut, copy, paste, clear and restore functions. Schedule printing options and much more. Product: DR. Memory [***] Easy, powerful, tickler/reminder program. See full description on page 22. Product: Personal Calendar (PC) for DOS [***] TSR PIM appointment reminder, clock, calendar. See full description on page 26. 2.7 Menu systems & file managers See also: Communications, Networks. 2.7.1 Menu systems Product: A Batch View [***] Menus/msgs/info/utilities for DOS batch files. See full description on page 18. Product: BatchMaker Plus [***] Batch menu, DIR utility, editor, desk utility. See full description on page 10. Chapter 2, "Utilities" 29 Product: DaMenu [***] Author: Just-In-Time Computing Services, 607-539-6931 Version: 1.21 (12-01-93) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 3.3 or better. 512k RAM; EGA monitor; Hard disk. Strongly recommended: Mouse. Registration fee: $15.00 (add $3.00 for shipping to U.S. addresses) (add $5.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $8.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 3 months of unlimited phone, fax, BBS, CompuServe, GEnie, mail support; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5). 1-month free upgrading allowed. Look for: DAMENU12.ZIP on BBSs (call 607-533-7072 to download it at no charge); DMENU1.EXE on CompuServe in CIS:IBMSYS forum LIBrary 5 (or contact userID 73020,3205 for assistance); DAMENU12.ZIP on GEnie in IBMPC forum LIBrary 0 (or contact userID J.SKURKA1 for assistance). SWREG#: 699 Download size: 135k (about ten minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: A no-nonsense DOS menu/program launcher that features mouse support, password protection for sensitive applications as well as 'Exit to DOS', file passing/preloading capabilities for word processors, spreadsheets, etc. Built-in screen blanking keeps your screen clean during periods of menu inactivity. Easy installation and simplistic use, as well as an attractive on- screen display make it a nice alternative to more expensive menu systems. 2.7.2 Combined MS/FMs Product: BCM Menu System [***] Author: BCM Software, 313-292-6097 Version: 2.2 (01-09-94) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 3.0 or better. 512k RAM; Hard disk. Strongly recommended: VGA monitor; Mouse. Registration fee: $49.00 Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 12 months of phone, CompuServe, mail support; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5); discounts on upgrades. Look for: 22BCM*.ZIP on BBSs (multiple files); BCM*.EXE on CompuServe in CIS:IBMSYS forum LIBrary 5 (multiple files) (or contact userID 71470,2225 for assistance). SWREG#: 1275 PsL#: 10913 Download size: 473k (about 35 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Featuring: easy installation & use, online help, encrypted password protection, automatic screen save, uses less than 1k mem while running programs, can launch windows, dual directory and tree windows, fast disk duplication, file find, support for ZIP, ARC, LZH & ARJ compress methods, uses you virus scanner to Chapter 2, "Utilities" 30 scan compressed files, can use other utilities, text editor with clipboard an much much more. 2.7.3 Work environment managers Product: BOOT.SYS [***] The heavy-duty configuration manager. See full description on page 20. 2.8 Security programs "Shareware is as safe as [retail] software if obtained directly from an author or from a vendor or BBS who has gotten the disk directly from the author." - an official ASP statement on shareware See also: Utilities, File utilities, File encryption; Utilities, File utilities, File archiving & compression; Utilities, File utilities, File comparison. Product: DaMenu [***] DOS Application MENuing Utility. See full description on page 28. 2.9 Software tools & add-ins 2.9.1 For operating systems See also: Utilities, System utilities, Operating systems. Chapter 2, "Utilities" 31 Windows Product: File Finder for Windows [***] Author: Simian Id Software, 314-781-8709 Version: 2.1 (08-31-93) Needs: IBM PC, Windows 3.0 or better. Registration fee: $10.00 (add $3.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); lifetime unlimited phone, CompuServe, mail support; discounts on upgrades. 1 free update disk(s) sent out. Look for: WFIND21.ZIP on BBSs (call 314-638-3041 to download it at no charge); WFIND.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:WINSHARE forum LIBrary 2 (or contact userID 73613,3606 for assistance). SWREG#: 1886 Download size: 55k (about four minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: A file search program for Windows 3.x. It can search all drives, and can search the most popular archive types. (ARC, ARJ, ZIP, ZOO, LBR, LZH, PAK, and PKA.) The list of files can be printed or copied to other applications. Search types include standard DOS, substring, regular expressions, date, time, and size. Launch applications based on filetype. Product: SAB Diskette Utility [***] Format/copy/convert/save diskette images. See full description on page 10. Product: WDiff [***] Windows file/directory difference viewer. See full description on page 13. 2.9.2 For PKWARE For PKZIP/PKUNZIP Product: BCM Menu System [***] Menu, disk maint,text editor & compress shell. See full description on page 29. 2.9.3 For other Product: BCM Menu System [***] Menu, disk maint,text editor & compress shell. See full description on page 29. Chapter 3, "Writing applications" 32 Chapter 3 Writing applications See also: Utilities, File utilities, File viewers; Education, Writing. 3.1 Text editors See also: Writing applications, Word processors. Product: BCM Menu System [***] Menu, disk maint,text editor & compress shell. See full description on page 29. Product: BOXER Text Editor [***] Author: Boxer Software, 603-924-6602 Version: 6.0 (01-05-94) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.11 or better. 384k RAM; Dual 720k floppy drives. Strongly recommended: Hard disk. Registration fee: $50.00 (add $6.00 for shipping to U.S. addresses) (add $6.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $8.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; quick-reference card; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); lifetime unlimited phone, fax, BBS, CompuServe, newsletter, mail support; bonus utilities; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5); disks of other shareware; discounts on other products; discounts on upgrades. 1-month free upgrading allowed. 1 free update disk(s) sent out. Look for: BOXER*.ZIP on BBSs (call 603-924-3859 to download it at no charge); BOXER.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMAPP forum LIBrary 1 (or contact userID 70242,2126 for assistance); BOXER*.ZIP on GEnie in IBMPC forum LIBrary 3 (or contact userID USE INTERNET for assistance). Download size: 330k (about 25 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: A powerful but courteous text editor which is packed with features: color syntax highlighting, multi-level undo and redo, full mouse support, multiple files/windows, macros, graphic drawing, column marking, compile from editor, word processing, and context sensitive help. Search & replace with wildcards; globally, selectively or across all edited files. Reconfigurable keyboard with popular maps supplied; pull-down menus & online help change dynamically to reflect reassignment. Much more! Chapter 3, "Writing applications" 33 Product: BOXER/OS2 Text Editor [***] Author: Boxer Software, 603-924-6602 Version: 6.0 (01-05-94) Needs: IBM 80386, OS/2 2.0 or better. Hard disk. Registration fee: $89.00 (add $6.00 for shipping to U.S. addresses) (add $6.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $8.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; quick-reference card; 31/2" master disk(s); lifetime unlimited phone, fax, BBS, CompuServe, newsletter, mail support; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5); disks of other shareware; discounts on other products; discounts on upgrades. 1-month free upgrading allowed. 1 free update disk(s) sent out. Look for: BOXOS2*.ZIP on BBSs (call 603-924-3859 to download it at no charge); BOXOS2.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMAPP forum LIBrary 1 (or contact userID 70242,2126 for assistance); BOXOS2*.ZIP on GEnie in OS2 forum LIBrary 11 (or contact userID USE INTERNET for assistance). Download size: 403k (about 30 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: A powerful but courteous editor which is packed with features: color syntax highlighting, multi-level undo and redo, full mouse support, macros, graphic drawing, column marking, compile from editor, word processing, and context sensitive help. This 32-bit charcter mode program supports HPFS filenames and makes full use of OS/2's virtual memory to edit very large files. Fully reconfigurable keyboard: pull-down menus & online help change dynamically to reflect reassignment. Much more! 3.2 Text organizers/outliners Product: PC-FORMS and PC-LIBRARY [***] Author: Blackledge Law Office, 915-692-9105 Version: 6.30 (11-17-93) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.0 or better. Strongly recommended: Dual 720k floppy drives; Hard disk. Registration fee: $35.00 Registration benefits: choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 3 months of phone, CompuServe support; royalty-free runtime license; site license; bonus utilities. Look for: PCFMS*.EXE on BBSs (multiple files); PCFMS*.EXE on CompuServe in CIS:LAWSIG forum LIBrary 5 (multiple files) (or contact userID 70162,1130 for assistance). SWREG#: 1607 Download size: 222k (about 17 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Assembles legal & business documents and creates, maintains and prints text libraries. Lets users select from text libraries furnished with the programs, or prepared by the user, text to be included in a document. If the text contains variable names the user is prompted for responses to replace them. Includes the text libraries AGENCY, CORPN & PARTNR. Chapter 3, "Writing applications" 34 3.3 Word processors See also: Writing applications, Text editors. Product: BOXER Text Editor [***] Full-featured text editor/word processor. See full description on page 32. Product: BOXER/OS2 Text Editor [***] Full-featured text editor/word processor. See full description on page 32. 3.4 Desktop publishing Product: Crossword Creator [***] Multi-lingual crossword puzzle editor. See full description on page 68. Product: TreeChart [***] Comprehensive package for organization charts. See full description on page 52. 3.5 Spelling checkers Product: Thelma ThistleBlossom [***] Checks grammar, style, spell, punc & more. See full description on page 35. Product: Thelma's SpellPlus [***] Author: Timpanogos Software, 801-223-9055 Version: 1.1 (01-04-94) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 3.0 or better. 256k RAM; Hard disk. Registration fee: $9.00 (add $5.00 for shipping to U.S. addresses) (add $5.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $8.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; quick-reference card; 31/2" master disk(s); 12 months of phone, newsletter, mail support; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5); discounts on other products. 1-month free upgrading allowed. Look for: availability unknown on BBSs. Download size: 300k (about 23 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Finds spelling errors, uncapitalized names, long sentences, padding, doubled, offensive words. More words than Sharespell. 1000s of names and trademarks. Reads ASCII, WordPerfect, and other files. Shows problems in context. Gives spelling replacements. Provides both full editor and automatic correction. Re-checks changes! Can add words to dictionary. Fast, user-friendly. Chapter 3, "Writing applications" 35 3.6 Style checkers Product: Cliche Finder [***] Author: R.K. West Consulting Version: 1.7a (08-25-93) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.11 or better. 512k RAM; Program can run safely on a system with no hard disk and only one floppy disk drive. Strongly recommended: Hard disk. Registration fee: $0.00 Registration benefits: No registration fee required. Look for: CLICHE17.ZIP on BBSs (call 318-239-2122 to download it at no charge); CLICHE.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMAPP forum LIBrary 2 (or contact userID 72301,435 for assistance). Download size: 200k (about 15 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Checks for the presence of cliches and overused phrases. Cliche list can be edited by user. Generates a report. Product: Thelma ThistleBlossom [***] Author: Timpanogos Software, 801-223-9055 Version: 5.20 (12-26-93) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 3.1 or better. 256k RAM; Hard disk. Registration fee: $29.00 (add $5.00 for shipping to U.S. addresses) (add $8.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; quick-reference card; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 12 months of phone, newsletter, mail support; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5). 1-month free upgrading allowed. Look for: availability unknown on BBSs; THISTLEB.ZIP on GEnie in WORDPERFEC forum LIBrary 6 (or contact userID WP.TED for assistance). Download size: 800k (about 60 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Combines grammar, punctuation, spelling, cliche, and usage checking in a single pass. When it finds a problem, it displays the sentence in context, highlights the problem, explains what is wrong, and gives you a suggestion. Often you can implement the suggestion with a single keystroke. You may also use a built-in editor to change the text. Automatically rechecks any sentence that you change. Easy, powerful, fast, and thorough. Creates strong, readable business letters. Chapter 3, "Writing applications" 36 Product: Thelma's ClichePlus [***] Author: Timpanogos Software, 801-223-9055 Version: 1.8 (01-04-94) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 3.0 or better. 256k RAM; Hard disk. Registration fee: $9.00 (add $5.00 for shipping to U.S. addresses) (add $5.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $8.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; quick-reference card; 31/2" master disk(s); 12 months of unlimited phone, newsletter, mail support; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5); discounts on other products. 1-month free upgrading allowed. Look for: availability unknown on BBSs. Download size: 300k (about 23 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Finds cliches, idioms, long sentences, short sentences, too many or too few spaces at the end of a sentence. Differs from ClicheFinder: 1. thousands more entries; 2. more sophisticated pattern matching; 3. shows problems in context; 4. provides full editor; 5. re-checks changes. Reads ASCII, WordPerfect, and other file formats. Product: Thelma's SpellPlus [***] Spell, capitalizes, proper nouns, full editor. See full description on page 34. 3.7 Bibliography See also: Education. Product: BIBLOGIC [***] Author: Biblogic Computer Services Version: 3.02 (12-19-93) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.1 or better. 640k RAM. Strongly recommended: Hard disk. Registration fee: $47.00 Registration benefits: choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); lifetime unlimited fax, CompuServe, mail support; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5). Look for: availability unknown on BBSs; BIBLOG.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:EDFORUM forum LIBrary 2 (or contact userID 75020,556 for assistance). Download size: 400k (about 30 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: A research and writing tool to store, retrieve, and print bibliographic information and associated remarks. Handles many different reference styles and organizes notes as well as references. Works with most word-processors. Chapter 3, "Writing applications" 37 3.8 Document boilerplates 3.8.1 Business See also: Business. Product: PC-FORMS and PC-LIBRARY [***] Document assembly system - business & legal. See full description on page 33. 3.8.2 Legal Product: PC-FORMS and PC-LIBRARY [***] Document assembly system - business & legal. See full description on page 33. 3.9 Creativity & brainstorming Product: Creativity Package [***] Author: R.K. West Consulting Version: 3.2a (01-27-94) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.11 or better. 512k RAM; Dual 720k floppy drives. Strongly recommended: Hard disk. Registration fee: $34.00 (add $6.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $6.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 3 months of unlimited fax, CompuServe, mail support; disks of other shareware; discounts on other products. Look for: CREATE32.ZIP on BBSs (call 519-940-0007 to download it at no charge); CREATE.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMAPP forum LIBrary 11 (or contact userID 72301,435 for assistance). Download size: 400k (about 30 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: 3-part program for writers, teachers, students, executives - anyone who must produce fresh ideas. Includes a complete book- on-disk on creativity enhancement, software for computer-aided brainstorming, and a poetry writing program. Product: Curses! [***] Creative insult generator. See full description on page 95. Chapter 3, "Writing applications" 38 Product: Poetry Generator [***] Author: R.K. West Consulting Version: 2.4a (01-28-94) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.11 or better. 512k RAM; Dual 720k floppy drives. Strongly recommended: Hard disk. Registration fee: $29.00 (add $6.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $6.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 3 months of unlimited fax, CompuServe, mail support; disks of other shareware; discounts on other products. Look for: POET24A.ZIP on BBSs (call 909-681-6221 to download it at no charge); POETRY.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMNEW forum LIBrary 6 (or contact userID 72301,435 for assistance). Download size: 510k (about 38 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Turn your computer into a poet! Using a 20,000-word vocabulary, this program creates free-verse poems at the touch of a button. Using the structure of actual poems as models, the program randomly combines words and short phrases into verses 4 to 9 lines long. The results as fascinating. Some of these poems have actually been published in national magazines. This program has been featured in the Los Angeles Times, Scientific American, and Writer's Digest. 3.10 Writing utilities Product: BOXER Text Editor [***] Full-featured text editor/word processor. See full description on page 32. Product: BOXER/OS2 Text Editor [***] Full-featured text editor/word processor. See full description on page 32. Product: Cliche Finder [***] Checks writing cliches. See full description on page 35. Product: Thelma ThistleBlossom [***] Checks grammar, style, spell, punc & more. See full description on page 35. Chapter 3, "Writing applications" 39 3.11 Software tools & macros 3.11.1 For multiple programs Product: Over_LAZ HP [***] Author: Herne Data Systems Ltd, 519-366-2732 Version: 4 (01-01-94) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.0 or better. CGA monitor; Hard disk; HP LaserJet printer. WordPerfect 5.x, 6, WordStar, Word, AMI Pro or PC-Write. Strongly recommended: Spreadsheet and/or database program. Registration fee: $25.00 (add $2.00 for shipping to U.S. addresses) (add $2.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $4.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: 31/2" master disk(s); 3 months of phone, CompuServe, mail support; bonus templates. 3-month free upgrading allowed. Look for: availability unknown on BBSs; OVER4.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMAPP forum LIBrary 2 (or contact userID 72060,1153 for assistance). Download size: 1400k (about 104 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: A collection of over 150 printer overlay files for WordPerfect 4.2 or later, Word, Word for Windows, AmiPro WordStar, PC- Write, dBase, and other applications and an HP LaserJet compatible printer. Includes standard office forms (inter office memo, FAX transmittal, etc) as well as 'rubber stamps' (draft, confidential, etc) and decorative page borders. Automatically printed on the page over your document. Extra fonts not required; 512k printer RAM is sufficient. 3.11.2 For PC-Write Product: Over_LAZ HP [***] HP LaserJet overlays and letterheads. See full description on page 39. 3.11.3 For Word Product: Over_LAZ HP [***] HP LaserJet overlays and letterheads. See full description on page 39. 3.11.4 For WordStar Product: Over_LAZ HP [***] HP LaserJet overlays and letterheads. See full description on page 39. Chapter 3, "Writing applications" 40 3.11.5 For WordPerfect Product: Over_LAZ HP [***] HP LaserJet overlays and letterheads. See full description on page 39. Product: Thelma ThistleBlossom [***] Checks grammar, style, spell, punc & more. See full description on page 35. Product: Thelma's ClichePlus [***] Finds cliches, idioms, long sentences. See full description on page 35. Product: Thelma's SpellPlus [***] Spell, capitalizes, proper nouns, full editor. See full description on page 34. 3.11.6 For other Product: Over_LAZ PS [***] PostScript overlays and letterheads. See full description on page 16. Chapter 4, "Spreadsheet applications" 41 Chapter 4 Spreadsheet applications See also: Utilities, Desktop utilities, Calculators; Finances, Financial calculators; Business. 4.1 Spreadsheet programs Product: EXPRESSCALC [***] Author: Expressware Corporation, 206-788-0932 Version: 4.10 (05-02-92) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.0 or better. 512k RAM; Program can run safely on a system with no hard disk and only one floppy disk drive; CGA monitor. Strongly recommended: Hard disk. Registration fee: $59.95 (add $5.00 for shipping to U.S. addresses) (add $10.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $23.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 3 months of unlimited phone, fax, BBS, CompuServe, mail support; discounts on upgrades. 1-month free upgrading allowed. Look for: ECALC*.ZIP on BBSs (multiple files) (call 206-788-4008 to download it at no charge); ECALC4.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMAPP forum LIBrary 6 (multiple files) (or contact userID 75226,2020 for assistance). Download size: 360k (about 27 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Matrix size defaults to 64 columns by 256 lines for a total of 16,384 cells. Supports EGA and VGA monitors for more lines on the screen. Math functions include standard deviation, net present value, payment and more. Lookup function allows linking to other spreadsheets. Cells can be hidden. Data can be imported and exported between File Express and ExpressGraph. Wide spreadsheets can be printed using On-Side. 4.2 Spreadsheet utilities See also: Utilities, Printer utilities. Product: ON-SIDE [***] Print any wide ASCII file sideways. See full description on page 15. Chapter 5, "Database applications" 42 Chapter 5 Database applications See also: Data. 5.1 Relational database managers Product: Car Restoration Diary [***] Author: RMH Computer Services, 317-782-9903 Version: 2.30 (11-05-93) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.1 or better. 512k RAM; Hard disk. Registration fee: $29.00 (add $5.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 12 months of phone, BBS, CompuServe, mail support; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5); disks of other shareware. Look for: CREST230.ZIP on BBSs (call 317-784-2147 to download it at no charge); CREST.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMAPP forum LIBrary 6 (or contact userID 73567,1547 for assistance). SWREG#: 1581 Download size: 310k (about 23 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Database program to keep track of expenses and time spent while restoring vintage cars. It will also maintain a database of parts dealers, car shows, swap meets, etc. Includes an appointment calendar and a pop-up calculator. View and print reports and mailing labels. Easy to learn and use. Context sensitive online help. Product: Computer System Manager [***] Author: RMH Computer Services, 317-782-9903 Version: 1.40 (12-10-93) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 3.3 or better. 512k RAM; Hard disk. Strongly recommended: Hercules monitor; Epson printer. Registration fee: $29.95 (add $5.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 3 months of unlimited phone, BBS, CompuServe, mail support; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5); discounts on other products; discounts on upgrades. Look for: CSM140.ZIP on BBSs (call 317-784-2147 to download it at no charge); CSM.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMAPP forum LIBrary 7 (or contact userID 73567,1547 for assistance). SWREG#: 1371 Download size: 430k (about 32 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Comprehensive computer system equipment tracking. Ideal for home users, small business, and corporate system managers. Information can be tracked to individual computer systems noting model & serial numbers, install dates, warranty Chapter 5, "Database applications" 43 expiration, etc. Set up an inventory for unassigned equipment and spare parts. Free form report writer. Full customization of screen colors, file indexes, printer, and validation tables including Vendor, Hardware and Software types. Context sensitive online help. Product: RexxBase [***] Author: American Coders, LTD., 919-846-2014 Version: 1.17a (01-12-94) Needs: IBM 80386, OS/2 2.0 or better. 4000k RAM. Registration fee: $45.00 (add $10.00 for shipping to U.S. addresses) (add $15.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $25.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 2 months of phone, CompuServe, mail support; 2-month free upgrading allowed. 2 free update disk(s) sent out. Look for: REXXBASE.ZIP on BBSs; DBRXAA.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:OS2DF1 forum LIBrary 6 (or contact userID 74150,2370 for assistance). Download size: 100k (about eight minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: An external Rexx function DLL. It allows Rexx procedures to read/write/update dBase files. The program handles both memo fields and indexes. Several other useful functions are available to improve handling dBase files. 5.2 Flat-file database managers See also: Database applications, Mailing list systems. Chapter 5, "Database applications" 44 Product: FILE EXPRESS [***] Author: Expressware Corporation, 206-788-0932 Version: 5.1 (12-10-93) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.0 or better. 512k RAM; CGA monitor; Dual 720k floppy drives. Strongly recommended: Hard disk. Registration fee: $99.00 (add $5.00 for shipping to U.S. addresses) (add $10.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $23.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 3 months of unlimited phone, fax, BBS, CompuServe, mail support; bonus templates; discounts on upgrades. 1-month free upgrading allowed. Look for: FE51*.ZIP on BBSs (multiple files) (call 206-788-4008 to download it at no charge); FE51*.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMAPP forum LIBrary 3 (multiple files) (or contact userID 75226,2020 for assistance). Download size: 1300k (about 97 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: An easy to use flat file database manager with relational lookup and update capabilities. Handles over 2 billion records per database, 200 fields per record, 1000 characters per field and 4000 characters per record. Includes extensive searching, reporting, label printing, importing, exporting and duplicate searching. Database formats can be changed at any time without losing data. Formula handler includes over 60 string and numeric functions. Includes an auto-dialer. Supports 300+ printers. 5.3 Mailing list systems See also: Database applications, Flat-file database managers. Product: FILE EXPRESS [***] Powerful, easy DBMS with relational features. See full description on page 43. Chapter 5, "Database applications" 45 Product: Maillist / M-Label [***] Author: R.K. West Consulting Version: 5.7b (01-10-94) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.11 or better. 512k RAM; Hard disk. Strongly recommended: EGA monitor. Registration fee: $39.00 (add $6.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $6.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 3 months of unlimited fax, CompuServe, mail support; disks of other shareware; discounts on other products. Look for: MAIL57B.ZIP on BBSs (multiple files) (call 909-681-6221 to download it at no charge); MAIL.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMAPP forum LIBrary 9 (multiple files) (or contact userID 72301,435 for assistance). Download size: 360k (about 27 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Easy-to-use mailing list manager for business or personal use, manages up to 99 separate lists. Prints labels, has automatic duplicate checking, search by any field, "sound alike" search, pop-up notepad for each record, optional password protection, compare and combine lists, restore deleted records, extra fields for user coding, label customization and more. 5.4 Database utilities Product: FileBUDDY [***] Text, dBASE, archive, and image viewer. See full description on page 11. Product: PopDBF [***] 4k TSR for "instant access to X-Base files" See full description on page 46. Product: Recap [***] Fix capitalization in dBase-compatible files. See full description on page 46. 5.5 Software tools & add-ins See also: Computer programming, Languages. Chapter 5, "Database applications" 46 5.5.1 For multiple programs Product: PopDBF [***] Author: Lighthouse Software, Inc., 309-673-9886 Version: 4.05 (07-29-92) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 3.0 or better. 4k RAM. Registration fee: $35.00 (add $5.00 for shipping to U.S. addresses) (add $5.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $10.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: 3 months of phone, fax, CompuServe, mail support; Look for: POPDBF??.ZIP on BBSs (call 414-789-4210 to download it at no charge); POPDBF.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMAPP forum LIBrary 3 (or contact userID 76665,736 for assistance). Download size: 130k (about ten minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: A 4K TSR that provides "Instant Access to X-Base Files". Here are just a few of its features: * Easily select ANY database, any drive * Append, browse, delete, and edit records * Delete, pack and zap databases * Lightning fast search of entire record or selected field(s) * View structure * Print structure or records (browse or edit format) to a printer or file * View index expressions (.IDX, .NDX, .NTX) * Network Compatible * Context sensitive help Product: Recap [***] Author: R.K. West Consulting Version: 3.2a (01-11-94) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.11 or better. 512k RAM; Program can run safely on a system with no hard disk and only one floppy disk drive. dBase-compatible data file. Strongly recommended: Hard disk. Registration fee: $15.00 (add $6.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $6.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 3 months of unlimited fax, CompuServe, mail support; discounts on other products. Look for: RECAP32A.ZIP on BBSs (call 909-681-6221 to download it at no charge); RECAP.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMAPP forum LIBrary 3 (or contact userID 72301,435 for assistance). Download size: 135k (about ten minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: It can be very frustrating to find that some of your database records have been entered in all caps when you didn't want them that way, or that some have not been entered in all caps when you did want them that way! Goes through any dBase-III compatible database file and make the desired adjustments. Can save you from hours of re-entering data. Chapter 5, "Database applications" 47 5.5.2 For dBASE Product: Workbase [***] Author: R.K. West Consulting Version: 4.1a (01-12-94) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.11 or better. 512k RAM; Program can run safely on a system with no hard disk and only one floppy disk drive. Strongly recommended: Hard disk. Some knowledge of Xbase commands and functions. Registration fee: $49.00 (add $6.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $6.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 3 months of unlimited fax, CompuServe, mail support; disks of other shareware; discounts on other products. Look for: WORK41A.ZIP on BBSs (call 909-681-6221 to download it at no charge); WORKBS.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMPRO forum LIBrary 7 (or contact userID 72301,435 for assistance). Download size: 210k (about 16 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Xbase developers: this is an interactive environment for over 200 Xbase commands and functions, including some that may be new to you. Create, append, edit, browse, restore from and save to MEM files, display memory, display structure, modify structure - many other commands for development, troubleshooting and support. Includes rudimentary PRG interpreter. If your applications use dBase-compatible files, you'll love this handy utility. Unlike other "dot prompt" programs, this one works! 5.5.3 For Clipper Product: Workbase [***] Dot-prompt utility for DBMS programmers. See full description on page 47. Chapter 6, "Data" 48 Chapter 6 Data 6.1 Words Product: Curses! [***] Creative insult generator. See full description on page 95. 6.2 Mapping data See also: Engineering, Surveying & cartography; Graphics, Business applications, Mapping/cartography. Product: MAPIT [***] Detailed world mapping with 100' precision. See full description on page 75. Product: PMFLCOMP [***] ASCII/hex/checksum file compare for OS/2. See full description on page 13. 6.3 World facts Product: Wynter Stone's Quick Guide [***] Mini-Encyclopedia of Mystical and Occult Info. See full description on page 83. 6.4 Census data Product: MAPIT [***] Detailed world mapping with 100' precision. See full description on page 75. Chapter 7, "Business" 49 Chapter 7 Business See also: Writing applications, Document boilerplates, Business; Spreadsheet applications; Database applications, Mailing list systems; Data; Communications, Call logging & analysis; Finances; Graphics, Business applications. 7.1 Business finances See also: Finances, Personal finances. Product: Chris's Automobile Recorder [***] Vehicle operation & maint. logger & reminder. See full description on page 88. Product: EXPRESSCALC [***] Powerful, easy-to-use. Great for home, office. See full description on page 41. 7.1.1 Business accounting Product: EXPRESSCHECK [***] Menu driven checkbook manager. See full description on page 57. Product: Personal Finances 2 [***] Full function personal/small business finance. See full description on page 56. Product: XPENS [***] Author: Richard A. Williams, 815-455-6333 Version: 1.3 (01-01-94) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.0 or better. HP LaserJet printer; Epson printer. Registration fee: $29.00 Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 3 months of phone, CompuServe, GEnie, mail support; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5). Look for: availability unknown on BBSs; XPENS.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMAPP forum LIBrary 5 (or contact userID 72317,2073 for assistance); XPENS.ZIP on GEnie in IBMPC forum LIBrary 15 (or contact userID R.WILLIAMS5 for assistance). Download size: 47k (about four minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Designed to provide employers and employees with a quick, easy to use expense account screen/report that will eliminate the necessity of keeping a supply of expense report forms and doing all the arithmetic involved in preparing the report. Because reports are stored on disk, the employee copy of the report becomes unnecessary. Chapter 7, "Business" 50 7.2 Inventory systems Product: Computer System Manager [***] Tracks computer system hardware/software. See full description on page 42. 7.3 Equipment use & maintenance Product: Chris's Automobile Recorder [***] Vehicle operation & maint. logger & reminder. See full description on page 88. Product: Computer System Manager [***] Tracks computer system hardware/software. See full description on page 42. 7.4 Employee management/scheduling Product: TreeChart [***] Comprehensive package for organization charts. See full description on page 52. 7.5 Project management Product: Car Restoration Diary [***] Data tracking for vintage auto restoration. See full description on page 42. Product: Chris's Automobile Recorder [***] Vehicle operation & maint. logger & reminder. See full description on page 88. Product: TreeChart [***] Comprehensive package for organization charts. See full description on page 52. Chapter 7, "Business" 51 7.6 Client management Product: Contact Manager [***] Author: DataTek Computer Services, 215-374-2097 Version: 3.00 (11-25-93) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 3.0 or better. 384k RAM; Program can run safely on a system with no hard disk and only one floppy disk drive. Strongly recommended: CGA monitor; Hard disk; Mouse. Registration fee: $29.00 (add $2.00 for shipping to U.S. addresses) (add $3.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $5.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); lifetime unlimited phone, BBS, newsletter, mail support; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5); discounts on other products. Look for: CM300SW.ZIP on BBSs (call 215-374-3735 to download it at no charge). Download size: 141k (about eleven minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: A full features contact management program. Multiple name, title and phone # fields, topic fields, comments, fax number last edit and follow-up date fields. Labels and reports, supports zip-code sorting for bulk mailing. Group management, mail merge, tagging and mass tagging and much more! Product: Contact Manager Custom Reports [***] Author: DataTek Computer Services, 215-374-2097 Version: 1.00 (11-25-93) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.11 or better. 256k RAM. Strongly recommended: CGA monitor; Hard disk; Mouse. Registration fee: $15.00 (add $2.00 for shipping to U.S. addresses) (add $3.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $5.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); lifetime unlimited phone, BBS, newsletter, mail support; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5); discounts on other products. Look for: RG100SW.ZIP on BBSs (call 215-374-3735 to download it at no charge). Download size: 85k (about seven minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Allows users to create, edit, save, and print customized reports for our popular Contact Manager program. The perfect add-on to keep track of your data in any format you choose. Chapter 7, "Business" 52 Product: Network Appointment Scheduler [***] Author: DataTek Computer Services, 215-374-2097 Version: 1.10 (11-25-93) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.11 or better. 256k RAM; CGA monitor; Hard disk; Network (LAN). Strongly recommended: Mouse. Registration fee: $49.00 (add $2.00 for shipping to U.S. addresses) (add $3.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $5.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); lifetime unlimited phone, BBS, newsletter, mail support; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5); discounts on other products. Look for: NAS110SW.ZIP on BBSs (call 215-374-3735 to download it at no charge). Download size: 92k (about seven minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: This is a network capable version of our popular appointment scheduler program. Specifically designed to work on LANtastic and similar networks and has been revised so that it should work on any network. Mouse aware, cut, copy, paste, clear and restore features. Today-at-a-glance and much more! Product: Shareware Tracker [***] Data tracking program for shareware authors. See full description on page 101. 7.7 Organization charts See also: Graphics, Drawing/editor programs. Chapter 7, "Business" 53 Product: TreeChart [***] Author: FineLine Software, (+353)-091-37560 Version: 1.10 (12-07-93) Needs: IBM AT (80286), Windows 3.1 or better. Strongly recommended: Mouse. TrueType or ATM fonts. Registration fee: $42.00 (add $13.86 for shipping to U.S. addresses) (add $13.86 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $13.86 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); lifetime unlimited phone, fax, CompuServe, mail support; bonus utilities; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5). 6-month free upgrading allowed. Look for: TCF110.ZIP on BBSs; TCF110.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:WINSHARE forum LIBrary 11 (or contact userID 70624,462 for assistance). SWREG#: 1927 PsL#: 11053 Download size: 495k (about 37 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: A package for organization charts or illustrating other hierarchical information. No drawing skills required: box sizing, positioning and line routing all done automatically. Numerous chart styles/box shapes. Layouts (style guides) for consistent appearance. Print preview, fit-to-page, titles+border. Outlining: view/print chart, management or single departments. Supports assistants and shared employees. Imports text, exports text & fully scaleable WMF pictures. 7.8 Specific-field systems 7.8.1 Food services Product: Managing Your Food [***] Author: MYF Software, 805-398-1449 Version: 4.51 (01-01-94) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 3.0 or better. 512k RAM; Hard disk. Strongly recommended: Mouse. Registration fee: 35.00US (add 5.00US for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add 5.00US for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); lifetime unlimited phone, fax, BBS, mail support; bonus utilities; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5). 12-month free upgrading allowed. 1 free update disk(s) sent out. Look for: MYF*.ZIP on BBSs (call 805-682-6158 to download it at no charge). Download size: 360k (about 27 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: A complete food manager designed for food manufacturers, institutional food planners and cooks, restaurant managers, dietitians, diabetics, bakers, and the home shopper. Its use is easy enough for the novice, yet comprhensive enough for the professional. Will track cost, protein, carbohydrates, fat, calories, cholesterol, fatty acids, fiber, vitamins, minerals, Chapter 7, "Business" 54 food exchanges, and %RDA. Outputs hundreds of reports including NLEA label information. Product: PC-FOOD [***] Author: SCHRECK SOFTWARE, 612-731-6822 Version: 5.41 (01-15-94) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.1 or better. Registration fee: $29.95 Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 6 months of unlimited phone, fax, CompuServe, mail support; bonus utilities. Look for: availability unknown on BBSs; PCFOOD.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMAPP forum LIBrary 15 (or contact userID 76467,2213 for assistance). Download size: 154k (about twelve minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Food costing for restaurants/institutions. Calculates food cost and maintains required selling prices. Selling prices are based on a desired gross profit % and $ amount. Edit portion sizes to see the effect on costs and margins. Maintain total revenue, total food cost and total gross profit for a banquet, etc. Used in restaurants, schools, hotels, bars, catering operations, churches and health care facilities. 7.8.2 Library See also: Education, Library/bibliography. Product: BIBLOGIC [***] Bibliographic reference database manager. See full description on page 36. 7.8.3 Real estate Product: Home Plan [***] Draw, print, edit & save house plans. See full description on page 73. 7.9 Forms generators 7.9.1 Forms processing Product: Over_LAZ PS [***] PostScript overlays and letterheads. See full description on page 16. Product: XPENS [***] Expense account reporting program. See full description on page 49. Chapter 7, "Business" 55 7.10 Marketing Product: Contact Manager [***] Contact management software. See full description on page 51. 7.11 Training aids Product: Crossword Creator [***] Multi-lingual crossword puzzle editor. See full description on page 68. 7.12 Business utilities Product: EXPRESSGRAPH [***] Pie, line, bar charts for business apps. See full description on page 74. Chapter 8, "Finances" 56 Chapter 8 Finances See also: Spreadsheet applications; Business. 8.1 Stock trading & analysis Product: Personal Finances 2 [***] Full function personal/small business finance. See full description on page 56. Product: The Stock Analyst [***] Author: Visionary Software (C/- SDA), 081-744-2002 Version: 2.00 (01-01-94) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.1 or better. 512k RAM; Program can run safely on a system with no hard disk and only one floppy disk drive. Strongly recommended: EGA monitor; Hard disk; Mouse. Registration fee: $49.50 (add $5.00 for shipping to U.S. addresses) (add $5.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $5.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); lifetime unlimited phone, fax, CompuServe, mail support; discounts on other products. Look for: STOCK200.ZIP on BBSs; STK200.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:INVFORUM forum LIBrary 1 (or contact userID 100035,62 for assistance). Download size: 198k (about 15 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: A powerful analysis program that can help you to get the upper hand when investing on the stockmarket. v/ Import prices from CompuServe, ASCII, or comma-delimited ASCII files. v/ A buy/sell/hold analysis of all stocks helps you to decide what action to take with each stock. v/ Line, bar, and point and figure charts. These charts can be an invaluable help in finding and assessing trends and other price movements of stocks. v/ Full mouse support for ease of use. 8.2 Personal finances See also: Business, Business finances. Product: Chris's Automobile Recorder [***] Vehicle operation & maint. logger & reminder. See full description on page 88. Chapter 8, "Finances" 57 Product: Personal Finances 2 [***] Author: Spitfire Software, 404-257-0187 Version: 4.02h (01-12-94) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 3.1 or better. 640k RAM; Hard disk. Registration fee: $39.00 (add $5.00 for shipping to U.S. addresses) (add $7.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $10.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); lifetime unlimited phone, fax, BBS, CompuServe, newsletter, mail support; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5); discounts on other products; discounts on upgrades. 3-month free upgrading allowed. 1 free update disk(s) sent out. Look for: PF2-*.ZIP on BBSs (multiple files) (call 404-419-0888 to download it at no charge); PF2.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMAPP forum LIBrary 4 (or contact userID 73577,442 for assistance). Download size: 1000k (about 74 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: A full function personal and small business financial system for DOS. It supports all types of accounts-checking, credit card, stock margin, etc. It has integrated subsystems for multi-year budgeting, accounts pay/rcv, fixed assets/home inventory, and financial investments. PF2 prints checks, works with CheckFree, interfaces to TurboTax, imports stock quotes from Prodigy, and imports Quicken .QIF files. Has on-line user guide and extensive context sensitive help. Fully supported. 8.2.1 Checkbook managers Product: EXPRESSCHECK [***] Author: Expressware Corporation, 206-788-0932 Version: 4.04 (11-18-93) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.0 or better. 320k RAM; Program can run safely on a system with no hard disk and only one floppy disk drive; CGA monitor. Strongly recommended: Hard disk. Registration fee: $34.95 (add $5.00 for shipping to U.S. addresses) (add $10.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $23.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 3 months of unlimited phone, fax, BBS, CompuServe, mail support; discounts on upgrades. 1-month free upgrading allowed. Look for: CHECK4.ZIP on BBSs (call 206-788-4008 to download it at no charge); CHECK4.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMAPP forum LIBrary 4 (or contact userID 75226,2020 for assistance). Download size: 360k (about 27 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Easy-to-use checkbook manager. Screens resemble actual checks, deposit slips and automated teller machine panels. Split transactions up to 5 ways with over 200 budget codes per account. Up to 90 accounts. Reports can be printed to show totals, monthly totals, average monthly budget code totals and Chapter 8, "Finances" 58 more. Combined accounts for more detailed reports. Print checks on any check format. Bill reminder system, reconciliation, activity log. Product: QPACS [***] Author: Richard A. Williams, 815-455-6333 Version: 3.2 (01-01-92) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.0 or better. Registration fee: $22.00 Registration benefits: choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 3 months of phone, CompuServe, mail support; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5). 1 free update disk(s) sent out. Look for: availability unknown on BBSs; QPAC32.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMAPP forum LIBrary 5 (or contact userID 72317,2073 for assistance); QPACS.ZIP on GEnie in IBMPC forum LIBrary 15 (or contact userID R.WILLIAMS5 for assistance). Download size: 85k (about seven minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Designed to provide financial management functions for individuals and families. The following functions are provided: checkbook entries for up to nine bank accounts; check printing with a recurring check file; check registers; budget entry and actual-to-budget reports; ability to record and track assets, liabilities, and investments; net worth calculation and printout; index card file and a household inventory file. 8.3 Portfolio management Product: Personal Finances 2 [***] Full function personal/small business finance. See full description on page 56. 8.4 Financial calculators See also: Utilities, Desktop utilities, Calculators; Spreadsheet applications. Product: Personal Finances 2 [***] Full function personal/small business finance. See full description on page 56. Chapter 9, "Engineering" 59 Chapter 9 Engineering See also: Graphics, CAD/CAM applications. 9.1 Industrial engineering Product: CNC CAD CAM Package [***] CAD CAM programming, file transfer, organize. See full description on page 59. 9.2 Numerical control Product: CNC CAD CAM Package [***] Author: Northland Multisoft, 818-963-6355 Version: 1.4 (12-20-93) Needs: IBM AT (80286), DOS 3.1 or better. 640k RAM; VGA monitor; Hard disk; Mouse. Registration fee: $95.00 (add $8.00 for shipping to U.S. addresses) (add $15.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $20.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 6 months of phone, newsletter, mail support; bonus utilities; discounts on other products. 6-month free upgrading allowed. 1 free update disk(s) sent out. Look for: CADCAM14.ZIP on BBSs. Download size: 190k (about 14 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: A low cost CNC CAD CAM development system that is powerfull and eazy to use. Using graphic geometric programming you will save hours of time and your programs will be more accurate. Configure code and communications for each CNC. Send and receive programs to and from your CNCs. ICON based two axis geometric plotting. Organize and identify your program files. Full screen cut and paste program editor. Program and plot printout on a dot matrix printer. X mirror, Y mirror, XY change, zoom in or out. 9.3 Surveying & cartography See also: Data, Mapping data; Graphics, Business applications, Mapping/cartography. Product: MAPIT [***] Detailed world mapping with 100' precision. See full description on page 75. Chapter 9, "Engineering" 60 9.4 Engineering utilities Product: CALC_JNC [***] The ultimate TSR programmers calculator. See full description on page 21. 9.5 Software tools & add-ins 9.5.1 For other Product: Nominal Pipe Size for Windows [***] Author: Herne Data Systems Ltd, 519-366-2732 Version: 2.0 (09-03-92) Needs: IBM PC, Windows 3.0 or better. Registration fee: $29.95 Registration benefits: 3 months of support. 3-month free upgrading allowed. Look for: availability unknown on BBSs; PIPEW2.EXE on CompuServe in CIS:IBMAPP forum LIBrary 13 (or contact userID 72060,1153 for assistance). Download size: 68k (about five minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Displays dimensional, weight and flow capacity data for a wide range of piping materials and sizes (over 3000 sizes of standard and specialty pipes in over 25 materials). A must for all piping engineers and students. Product: NPS - Nominal Pipe Size [***] Author: Herne Data Systems Ltd, 519-366-2732 Version: 2.1 (10-01-92) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 3.0 or better. Registration fee: $29.95 Registration benefits: 3 months of support. 2-month free upgrading allowed. Look for: availability unknown on BBSs; PIPE2.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMAPP forum LIBrary 13 (or contact userID 72060,1153 for assistance). Download size: 97k (about seven minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Displays dimensional, weight and flow capacity data for a wide range of piping materials and sizes. Over 2000 sizes of standard and specialty pipes in over 25 different materials. Easy to use menu driven format with user selectable dimensional units (US, Imperial or metric) and display colors. A must for all piping engineers and students. Chapter 10, "Communications" 61 Chapter 10 Communications 10.1 Networks See also: Utilities, Menu systems & file managers. 10.1.1 Network utilities Product: FSLOGIN [***] Author: Confirm Version: 1.3 (12-31-93) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 3.3 or better. 340k RAM; Network (LAN). Novell NetWare 2.15 through 4.01. Registration fee: $129.00 (add $10.00 for shipping to U.S. addresses) (add $10.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $10.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; 31/2" master disk(s); 6 months of fax, CompuServe, mail support; LAN license. 6-month free upgrading allowed. 1 free update disk(s) sent out. Look for: availability unknown on BBSs; FSL13.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:NOVUSER forum LIBrary 0 (or contact userID 76260,2363 for assistance). Download size: 110k (about eight minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: All users hooked to a Novell network have at least one thing in common: they must login to gain access to applications & data. This program enhances the way you login to a server by providing a full-screen Novell style menu. It does extensive checking of accounting and security exceptions before actually logging in. Supports NetWare Name Service environments. For companies that do not have NNS, it provides a feature called 'Server Groups'. Chapter 10, "Communications" 62 Product: NeMenu [***] Author: Just-In-Time Computing Services, 607-539-6931 Version: 1.01 (12-01-93) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 3.3 or better. 512k RAM; EGA monitor; Hard disk; Network (LAN). DEC Pathworks (tm) Network. Strongly recommended: Mouse. Registration fee: $25.00 (add $3.00 for shipping to U.S. addresses) (add $5.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $8.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 3 months of unlimited phone, fax, BBS, CompuServe, GEnie, mail support; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5). 2-month free upgrading allowed. Look for: NEMENU10.ZIP on BBSs (call 607-533-7072 to download it at no charge); NMENU1.EXE on CompuServe in CIS:DECPCI forum LIBrary 10 (or contact userID 73020,3205 for assistance). SWREG#: 700 Download size: 170k (about 13 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: A PATHWORKS specific command menu that aids the network user in connecting and disconnecting file and printer services and gives the user access to print jobs, SETHOST and NETSETUP commands through an attractive on-screen menu. Designed for users not familiar with network command syntax. Features include full mouse support, and a built-in screen blanker. Easy installation and simplistic use, as well as an attractive on- screen display make it a nice alternative to the USE command. 10.2 Call logging & analysis See also: Utilities, Desktop utilities, Phone dialers. Product: LOGGIT [***] Author: GTX Software, 213-257-2704 Version: 4.00 (01-01-91) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 3.0 or better. Telix communications program. Registration fee: $12.00 Registration benefits: 3 months of support. 12-month free upgrading allowed. Look for: LOGGIT.ZIP on BBSs (multiple files) (call 414-789-4352 to download it at no charge); LOGGIT.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMCOM forum LIBrary 2 (multiple files) (or contact userID 71210,3632 for assistance). Download size: 40k (about three minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: A standalone utility to analyze the log file from the Telix communication program. Analyzes the .USE file and produces several reports showing calls made, total time online, average time per call and other specific information. Mouse support. Desqview aware. Chapter 10, "Communications" 63 10.3 Communication utilities Product: FSLOGIN [***] Full screen login program for Novell networks. See full description on page 61. Chapter 11, "Computer programming" 64 Chapter 11 Computer programming 11.1 Languages See also: Utilities, System utilities, Batch & macro utilities, Batch file compilers; Utilities, System utilities, Configuration utilities; Database applications, Software tools & add-ins. 11.1.1 Pascal OOP Pascal for DOS (Borland) Product: SNAP-P [***] Author: Neptune Systems, 713-488-5722 Version: D2.1 (01-10-94) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 3.3 or better. 640k RAM; Dual 720k floppy drives. Strongly recommended: Hard disk; Mouse. Registration fee: $27.00 Registration benefits: choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 6 months of unlimited phone, fax, CompuServe, mail support; bonus utilities. 1 free update disk(s) sent out. Look for: availability unknown on BBSs; SNPD21.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMPROG forum LIBrary 5 (or contact userID 71565,303 for assistance). Download size: 65k (about five minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: A Pascal with Objects pretty printer. Adjusts margins and capitalization to give a standard look to your source code. Make imported code readable, cut development costs. Simple, non-intrusive installation, menu driven and completely safe to use. An optional table lookup gives control over the looks of names such as "cmCancel" and "mfYesButton". 11.1.2 Other Product: PowerBatch [***] Batch file replacement creates compiled pgms. See full description on page 19. 11.2 Programming utilities Product: CALC_JNC [***] The ultimate TSR programmers calculator. See full description on page 21. Chapter 11, "Computer programming" 65 Product: Workbase [***] Dot-prompt utility for DBMS programmers. See full description on page 47. 11.2.1 Desktop tools for programmers Product: BOOT.SYS [***] The heavy-duty configuration manager. See full description on page 20. Product: BOXER Text Editor [***] Full-featured text editor/word processor. See full description on page 32. Product: BOXER/OS2 Text Editor [***] Full-featured text editor/word processor. See full description on page 32. Product: PopDBF [***] 4k TSR for "instant access to X-Base files" See full description on page 46. Product: SNAP-P [***] Pascal with Objects pretty printer. See full description on page 64. Product: Task Killer [***] List/remove EXEs, DLLs, VBXs in memory. See full description on page 16. 11.2.2 File format translators Product: SNAP-P [***] Pascal with Objects pretty printer. See full description on page 64. Chapter 12, "Education" 66 Chapter 12 Education See also: Writing applications, Bibliography. 12.1 Elementary Product: MathCounts 1+2 [***] Author: Able Art Software, 604-229-4766 Version: 1.2 (01-07-94) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 3.0 or better. 512k RAM; Program can run safely on a system with no hard disk and only one floppy disk drive; EGA monitor; Hercules monitor. Registration fee: $29.95 (add $3.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 3 months of phone, mail support; discounts on other products. Look for: MC12V12.ZIP on BBSs (multiple files); MC1212.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMAPP forum LIBrary 11 (or contact userID 71431,1673 for assistance). SWREG#: 819 Download size: 90k (about seven minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: st nd A graphics-based 1 and 2 grade math tutorial, covers counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication, fractions, telling time, word problems, place value, and more. Instructive feedback and positive reinforcement. Difficulty levels chosen automatically or by instructor. Keeps track of student's progress. Can be customized with friends' names in word problems. Chapter 12, "Education" 67 Product: MathCounts 3+4 [***] Author: Able Art Software, 604-229-4766 Version: 1.2 (01-07-94) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 3.0 or better. 512k RAM; Program can run safely on a system with no hard disk and only one floppy disk drive; EGA monitor; Hercules monitor. Registration fee: $29.95 (add $3.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 3 months of phone, mail support; discounts on other products. Look for: MC34V12.ZIP on BBSs (multiple files); MC3412.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMAPP forum LIBrary 11 (or contact userID 71431,1673 for assistance). SWREG#: 820 Download size: 115k (about nine minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: rd th A graphics-based 3 and 4 grade math tutorial, covers addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, estimation, fractions, decimals, word problems, and more! Instructive feedback and positive reinforcement. Context-sensitive remedial work, automatic beginner's mode. Keeps track of student's progress. Can be customized. 12.2 High school Product: PENDULUM [***] Interactive computer simulations, experiments. See full description on page 70. 12.3 College Product: PENDULUM [***] Interactive computer simulations, experiments. See full description on page 70. Product: PowerBatch [***] Batch file replacement creates compiled pgms. See full description on page 19. 12.4 Library/bibliography See also: Business, Specific-field systems, Library. Product: BIBLOGIC [***] Bibliographic reference database manager. See full description on page 36. Chapter 12, "Education" 68 12.5 Teachers Product: Crossword Creator [***] Author: PC HELP-LINE, 909-797-3091 Version: 5.11 (10-01-93) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.1 or better. 384k RAM; Program can run safely on a system with no hard disk and only one floppy disk drive. Strongly recommended: Mouse. Registration fee: $49.00 (add $5.00 for shipping to U.S. addresses) (add $5.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $8.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); lifetime unlimited phone, fax, CompuServe, mail support; bonus utilities; discounts on other products. 3-month free upgrading allowed. Look for: CWC.ZIP on BBSs; CWC.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMNEW forum LIBrary 8 (or contact userID 72357,3523 for assistance). Download size: 200k (about 15 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: A great tool for teachers and trainers, great fun for students and trainees. This crossword puzzle "editor" provides all the tools you need to quickly design and print your own crosswords. Pull-down menus, mouse support, comprehensive on-line help. Can generate freeform puzzles from a word list or ASCII file. Works with a companion program, Crossword Clipper, to produce .PCX and .BMP graphic files for use in word-processors or graphics applications. Spanish and French versions available. Product: PENDULUM [***] Interactive computer simulations, experiments. See full description on page 70. 12.6 Foreign language Product: Crossword Creator [***] Multi-lingual crossword puzzle editor. See full description on page 68. 12.7 Geography See also: Graphics. Product: MAPIT [***] Detailed world mapping with 100' precision. See full description on page 75. Chapter 12, "Education" 69 12.8 Literature Product: Creativity Package [***] Become more creative & improve your writing. See full description on page 37. Product: Poetry Generator [***] Turn your computer into a poet! See full description on page 37. 12.9 Music See also: Home & hobby, Music. Product: METROTUNE [***] Author: SCIENCE FUN Version: 2.01 (01-01-94) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.11 or better. Program can run safely on a system with no hard disk and only one floppy disk drive; CGA monitor. Strongly recommended: EGA monitor; Mouse. Registration fee: $20.00 (add $3.00 for shipping to U.S. addresses) (add $5.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 3 months of fax, CompuServe, mail support; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5). Look for: availability unknown on BBSs; MT.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMAPP forum LIBrary 7 (or contact userID 72371,312 for assistance). Download size: 180k (about 14 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Converts your computer into accurate and convenient standards of tempo, pitch and rhythm, useful for music students and professional musicians. Novel features include a visual and rhythmic metronome and fine tuning of well tempered scales. Also records, plays back and transposes simple melodies. Precision is better than found in expensive commercial devices. Other features are totally new. Comes with prerecorded melodies, scales, arpeggios and instrument tuning sequences. Chapter 12, "Education" 70 12.10 Science & ecology Product: PENDULUM [***] Author: SCIENCE FUN Version: 3.01 (01-01-94) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.11 or better. Program can run safely on a system with no hard disk and only one floppy disk drive; CGA monitor. Strongly recommended: EGA monitor; Mouse. Registration fee: 20.00$US (add 3.00$US for shipping to U.S. addresses) (add 5.00$US for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 3 months of CompuServe, mail support; all ASP- wide offers (see page 5). Look for: availability unknown on BBSs; PENDUL.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMAPP forum LIBrary 11 (or contact userID 72371,312 for assistance). Download size: 150k (about eleven minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Allows you to do actual computer experiments. Provides hints and checks your results. By moving the suspension point with the mouse you get a good feeling for pendulum behavior. Simulate unusual conditions such as experiments on the moon. Novel moving graphics provide new insights regarding kinematic and dynamic variables. Learning about the pendulum will help you understand more complicated systems. Good physics pre- calculus training program for high school and college. 12.11 Writing See also: Writing applications. Product: BIBLOGIC [***] Bibliographic reference database manager. See full description on page 36. Product: Cliche Finder [***] Checks writing cliches. See full description on page 35. Product: Creativity Package [***] Become more creative & improve your writing. See full description on page 37. Chapter 12, "Education" 71 12.12 Other Product: Personal Challenge [***] Author: R.K. West Consulting Version: 1.0d (01-27-94) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.11 or better. 512k RAM. Strongly recommended: Hard disk; HP LaserJet printer; Epson printer. Registration fee: $15.00 (add $6.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $6.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 3 months of unlimited fax, CompuServe, mail support; discounts on upgrades. Look for: CHALL10D.ZIP on BBSs; CHALL.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMNEW forum LIBrary 6 (or contact userID 72301,435 for assistance). Download size: 220k (about 17 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Play different educational and trivia games to test your knowledge in a variety of categories as you compete against yourself or others. Your choice of Beginner, Intermediate or Expert determines how fast you play and how many points you can earn. Winners earn Honorary Degrees and a chance for fame on the High Scorers list. Chapter 13, "Graphics" 72 Chapter 13 Graphics 13.1 Viewing programs Product: FileBUDDY [***] Text, dBASE, archive, and image viewer. See full description on page 11. Product: Image'n'Bits [***] Author: Bananas Software Inc, 201-265-9855 Version: 1.0 (11-24-93) Needs: IBM AT (80286), Windows 3.1 or better. 2k RAM. Registration fee: $25.00 Registration benefits: choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); lifetime unlimited fax, CompuServe, mail support. 3-month free upgrading allowed. Look for: availability unknown on BBSs; IMA.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:GRAPHSUP forum LIBrary 5 (or contact userID 70372,3466 for assistance). Download size: 470k (about 35 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Multiple image display, OLE, full clipboard support, printing, funhouse distortion filters, multiple edge detection, algorithms, contrast & brightness adjustments, histogram tool, blurring, sharpening, low and high pass filtering, embossing, on line help, dithering, color reduction, various file format conversions, add text to images, posterization, mosaic, gray scale, etc. 13.2 Drawing/editor programs See also: Business, Organization charts. Product: Home Plan [***] Draw, print, edit & save house plans. See full description on page 73. 13.3 Paint programs 13.3.1 Graphics diversions Product: Image'n'Bits [***] Image enhancement program for Windows. See full description on page 72. Chapter 13, "Graphics" 73 Product: JailBird [***] Author: RMH Computer Services, 317-782-9903 Version: 2.11 (11-05-93) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.1 or better. 512k RAM; Program can run safely on a system with no hard disk and only one floppy disk drive; VGA monitor; Mouse. Strongly recommended: Hard disk. Registration fee: $19.00 (add $4.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 3 months of unlimited phone, BBS, CompuServe, mail support; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5). Look for: JBIRD211.ZIP on BBSs (call 317-784-2147 to download it at no charge); JBIRD.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMNEW forum LIBrary 5 (or contact userID 73567,1547 for assistance). SWREG#: 1494 Download size: 180k (about 14 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: An entertaining mouse-driven program which lets the user create and print replicas of "vanity" license plates. User can even include personalized license plate "mounting bracket" around the plate. WYSIWYG screen interface. Configurable on-screen colors. Plates will include the state "slogan" at the bottom. Will output to a wide variety of printers, even color printers. Also output to PCX file. 13.4 CAD/CAM applications See also: Engineering; Graphics, Software tools & add-ins, For AutoCAD. Product: AC12TO10 [***] Converts R12/R11 DWG files to R10 from DOS. See full description on page 77. Product: CNC CAD CAM Package [***] CAD CAM programming, file transfer, organize. See full description on page 59. Chapter 13, "Graphics" 74 Product: Home Plan [***] Author: Home Plan, 209-754-4891 Version: 2.6 (01-01-94) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.0 or better. 512k RAM; Program can run safely on a system with no hard disk and only one floppy disk drive; VGA monitor. Strongly recommended: Hard disk. Registration fee: $20.00 (add $4.00 for shipping to U.S. addresses) (add $4.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $7.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; quick-reference card; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 12 months of phone, CompuServe, GEnie, mail support; bonus utilities; discounts on other products. Look for: HOME26.ZIP on BBSs; HOME26.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMAPP forum LIBrary 10 (or contact userID 71321,167 for assistance); HOME26.EXE on GEnie in IBMPC forum LIBrary 15 (or contact userID C.HERNDON for assistance). SWREG#: 388 Download size: 134k (about ten minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Draw, save & print house plans. Easy to learn & use. * Move, copy, resize, mirror * Undo, redo, clone * Automatic dimensioning, supports metric * Optionally shows framing (studs/joists/etc.) * Rectangles, circles, Arcs, etc. * Delete screen areas * Selectable line styles * On-screen odometers, protractor * Automatic door insertion * Variable width walls * Print screen size or 1/8" per ft scale * Insert pre-drawn furniture/appliances * Sq ft calculation Product: Purge [***] Purge AutoCAD DWG files from DOS. See full description on page 77. 13.5 Business applications See also: Business. Chapter 13, "Graphics" 75 Product: EXPRESSGRAPH [***] Author: Expressware Corporation, 206-788-0932 Version: 1.05 (05-01-92) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.0 or better. 320k RAM; CGA monitor; Epson printer. Registration fee: $29.95 (add $5.00 for shipping to U.S. addresses) (add $10.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $23.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 3 months of unlimited phone, fax, BBS, CompuServe, mail support; discounts on upgrades. 1-month free upgrading allowed. Look for: EGRAF1.ZIP on BBSs (call 206-788-4008 to download it at no charge); EGRAF1.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMAPP forum LIBrary 10 (or contact userID 75226,2020 for assistance). Download size: 360k (about 27 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: The size of the graph can be adjusted by changing the height and width. Horizontal and vertical grids can easily be turned on or off. The scaling factor can be controlled. Graph up to 16 groups of 52 numbers each using 16 different fill patterns. Line graphs can be made with or without symbols. Bar charts can be regular, overlapped, stacked, percentage or three dimensional. Pie charts can be uncut, exploded or separated. Import data from other programs. Product: TreeChart [***] Comprehensive package for organization charts. See full description on page 52. 13.5.1 Mapping/cartography See also: Data, Mapping data; Engineering, Surveying & cartography. Chapter 13, "Graphics" 76 Product: MAPIT [***] Author: Allison Software, 412-727-2198 Version: 1.3 (01-13-94) Needs: IBM AT (80286), DOS 3.3 or better. 512k RAM; EGA monitor; Hard disk; Mouse; EMS memory. Strongly recommended: VGA monitor; HP LaserJet printer; Plotter; XMS memory; math coprocessor. Registration fee: $39.00 (add $10.00 for shipping to U.S. addresses) (add $10.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $20.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; 31/2" master disk(s); 3 months of phone, CompuServe, mail support; royalty-free runtime license; Look for: MAPIT*.* on BBSs (multiple files); MAPIT*.* on CompuServe in CIS:IBMAPP forum LIBrary 7 (multiple files) (or contact userID 72600,1200 for assistance). Download size: 710k (about 53 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: An integrated world mapping system of amazing detail which lets you create customized maps for work, shool, or fun. Use it to: * print detailed, professional-quality customized maps * import maps into your word processing documents * record and track data * add own detailed text, hidden text & figures * plot great circle and range curves * create private databases to distribute your data efficiently * do all of the above with 100 foot precision anywhere in the world 13.6 Ready-made graphic images See also: Data, Mapping data. 13.6.1 BMP images Product: Kid Art [***] Author: R.K. West Consulting Version: 1.0 (01-29-94) Look for: KIDART10.ZIP on BBSs. Download size: 225k (about 17 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Twenty children's drawings converted to graphics files. BMP format (16-color bitmapped) suitable for WIndows wallpaper and other BMP uses. Same drawings in PCX format. Not great art, but childlike, could be fun. Best in color. 13.6.2 PCX images Product: Kid Art [***] Children's artwork. See full description on page 76. Chapter 13, "Graphics" 77 13.7 Utilities 13.7.1 File format translators Product: AC12TO10 [***] Converts R12/R11 DWG files to R10 from DOS. See full description on page 77. Product: FileBUDDY [***] Text, dBASE, archive, and image viewer. See full description on page 11. Product: Image'n'Bits [***] Image enhancement program for Windows. See full description on page 72. 13.8 Software tools & add-ins 13.8.1 For AutoCAD Product: AC12TO10 [***] Author: Blue Ridge Software, Inc., 606-276-5148 Version: 2.22 (01-01-94) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 3.0 or better. 512k RAM. Registration fee: $49.95 (add $5.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: 31/2" master disk(s); lifetime unlimited phone, fax, CompuServe, mail support; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5). Look for: availability unknown on BBSs; 12TO10.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:ADESK forum LIBrary 9 (or contact userID 70353,1604 for assistance). Download size: 150k (about eleven minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Converts AutoCAD drawings from Release 11 or 12 to Release 10. Conversion requires no DXF files; entire operation is performed safely on the .DWG file from DOS. Incorporates an easy-to-use, windowed interface. Very fast. Highly recommended in Cadalyst's Top 65 in December '93 issue. Also called the "best drawing file translator" in Cadence October '91. Chapter 13, "Graphics" 78 Product: Purge [***] Author: Blue Ridge Software, Inc., 606-276-5148 Version: 2.22 (01-01-94) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 3.0 or better. 640k RAM; Hard disk. Strongly recommended: VGA monitor. Registration fee: $69.95 (add $5.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: 31/2" master disk(s); lifetime unlimited phone, fax, CompuServe, mail support; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5). Look for: availability unknown on BBSs; PURGE.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:ADESK forum LIBrary 9 (or contact userID 70353,1604 for assistance). Download size: 150k (about eleven minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Save time, diskspace and money. Purge AutoCAD drawings without using DXF files or entering AutoCAD. Operates on .DWG files directly from DOS for a 100%, single-pass purge. Includes an easy-to-use windowed interface for selecting files to purge. Optionally select blocks, styles, shapes, layers, linetypes or dimstyles. Command-line version also available for large unattended batches using custom script files. Safe, network- friendly and fast. Works with any version of AutoCAD (R12 or less). Chapter 14, "Home & hobby" 79 Chapter 14 Home & hobby See also: Finances, Personal finances. 14.1 Computers Product: Computer System Manager [***] Tracks computer system hardware/software. See full description on page 42. 14.2 Collecting Product: Car Restoration Diary [***] Data tracking for vintage auto restoration. See full description on page 42. 14.3 Fortune telling & astrology See also: Religion & philosophy. Product: By the Numbers [***] Author: R.K. West Consulting Version: 5.0c (12-26-93) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.11 or better. 512k RAM; Hard disk. Registration fee: $29.00 (add $6.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $6.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 3 months of unlimited fax, CompuServe, mail support; disks of other shareware; discounts on other products. Look for: NUMBER50.ZIP on BBSs (call 703-680-9269 to download it at no charge); NUMBER.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMNEW forum LIBrary 6 (or contact userID 72301,435 for assistance). PsL#: 10189 Download size: 200k (about 15 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Use the philosophy of Numerology to analyze your name & birthdate for their symbolic meaning and metaphysical vibrations, giving a complete personality profile. Uses Pythagorean system, takes name changes into account, analyzes 10 personality elements, provides forecast. Readings can be saved, edited, printed. Chapter 14, "Home & hobby" 80 Product: Crystal Ball [***] Author: R.K. West Consulting Version: 3.4 (01-13-94) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.11 or better. 512k RAM; Program can run safely on a system with no hard disk and only one floppy disk drive. Strongly recommended: Hard disk. Registration fee: $0.00 Registration benefits: No registration fee required. Look for: CRYSTL34.ZIP on BBSs (call 415-323-4193 to download it at no charge); CRYSTL.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMNEW forum LIBrary 6 (or contact userID 72301,435 for assistance). Download size: 195k (about 15 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Welcome to the world of the psychic computer! This tongue-in- cheek program makes predictions and answers questions with a sometimes enigmatic style reminiscent of the ancient Greek oracles. You select the subject matter for predictions of personal interest. This could explain where those crazy tabloid headlines come from! Product: Fortune Teller [***] Author: R.K. West Consulting Version: 4.2b (01-13-94) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.11 or better. 512k RAM; Hard disk. Registration fee: $29.00 (add $6.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $6.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 3 months of unlimited fax, CompuServe, mail support; bonus utilities; disks of other shareware; discounts on other products. Look for: FORT42B.ZIP on BBSs (call 909-681-6221 to download it at no charge); FORTUN.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMAPP forum LIBrary 6 (or contact userID 72301,435 for assistance). PsL#: 10249 Download size: 300k (about 23 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: A potpourri of fortune telling techniques includes three playing card methods, dice, Numerology, Runes, and "Instant Oracle". A history and explanation of each method appears in the documentation. Also included is an ESP test. Product: Geomancy [***] Ancient system of divination with black magic. See full description on page 91. Chapter 14, "Home & hobby" 81 Product: Mayan Calendar [***] Author: R.K. West Consulting Version: 3.7 (01-28-94) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.11 or better. 512k RAM; Program can run safely on a system with no hard disk and only one floppy disk drive. Strongly recommended: Hard disk. Registration fee: $0.00 Registration benefits: This is a free program. Look for: MAYAN37.ZIP on BBSs (call 909-681-6221 to download it at no charge); MAYAN.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMAPP forum LIBrary 7 (or contact userID 72301,435 for assistance). Download size: 170k (about 13 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Uses the astronomical knowledge of the ancient Mayans to convert a modern calendar date to its Mayan equivalent, and then gives the Mayan astrological interpretation. Also uses Julian period dates and will calculate from Mayan to modern date. Has chart of Mayan and Aztec day and month names. Easy- to-understand documentation and history of the Mayan calendar included on disk. Norman Donaldson's excellent research is explained in detail. Product: Personal Tarot [***] Author: R.K. West Consulting Version: 2.7b (01-13-94) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.11 or better. 512k RAM; Dual 720k floppy drives. Strongly recommended: Hard disk. Registration fee: $29.00 (add $6.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $6.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 3 months of unlimited fax, CompuServe, mail support; disks of other shareware; discounts on other products. Look for: TAROT27B.ZIP on BBSs (call 909-681-6221 to download it at no charge); TAROT.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMNEW forum LIBrary 6 (or contact userID 72301,435 for assistance). PsL#: 10220 Download size: 195k (about 15 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Tarot cards have been used around the world throughout history for fun and fortune. Now you can enjoy professional quality Tarot readings on your PC! Automates shuffling and dealing, builds a 10-card layout, and displays card descriptions and meanings. You choose from different methods of shuffling and layout. You can edit card interpretations and add your own comments. Readings can be saved, edited, printed. No graphics. Chapter 14, "Home & hobby" 82 Product: Richard Webster's Aura Reading [***] Author: R.K. West Consulting Version: 3.0a (01-11-94) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.11 or better. 512k RAM; Program can run safely on a system with no hard disk and only one floppy disk drive. Strongly recommended: CGA monitor; Hard disk. Registration fee: $0.00 Registration benefits: No registration fee required. Look for: WAURA30A.ZIP on BBSs (call 909-681-6221 to download it at no charge); WAURA.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMNEW forum LIBrary 6 (or contact userID 72301,435 for assistance). PsL#: 10289 Download size: 165k (about twelve minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Based on the work and research of internationally-known psychic entertainer Richard Webster, "Aura Reading" helps you learn what to look for when attempting to see the human aura. It's a great way to meet people and make friends! Product: Richard Webster's Numerology [***] Author: R.K. West Consulting Version: 3.0a (01-13-94) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.11 or better. 512k RAM; Program can run safely on a system with no hard disk and only one floppy disk drive. Strongly recommended: Hard disk. Registration fee: $0.00 Registration benefits: No registration fee required. Look for: WQUICK30.ZIP on BBSs (call 909-681-6221 to download it at no charge); WQUICK.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMNEW forum LIBrary 6 (or contact userID 72301,435 for assistance). Download size: 150k (about eleven minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Based on the work and research of internationally-known psychic entertainer Richard Webster, "Quick Numerology" helps you put together a short but pointed personality profile using someone's date of birth. It's a great way to meet people and make friends! Chapter 14, "Home & hobby" 83 Product: Wynter Stone's I Ching [***] Author: R.K. West Consulting Version: 1.0d (01-12-94) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.11 or better. 512k RAM; Dual 720k floppy drives. Strongly recommended: Hard disk. Registration fee: $29.00 (add $6.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $6.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 3 months of unlimited fax, CompuServe, mail support; disks of other shareware; discounts on other products. Look for: ICHING10.ZIP on BBSs (call 909-681-6221 to download it at no charge); ICHING.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMNEW forum LIBrary 6 (or contact userID 72301,435 for assistance). PsL#: 10756 Download size: 249k (about 19 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: The I Ching is an ancient Chinese book used for both fortune telling and philosophical insight. Toss coins or sticks to create a pattern of 6 lines, forming a hexagram for interpretation. You can edit the text for each hexagram and add your own comments. Readings can be saved, edited, printed. Product: Wynter Stone's Quick Guide [***] Author: R.K. West Consulting Version: 1.50 (01-31-94) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.11 or better. 512k RAM; Program can run safely on a system with no hard disk and only one floppy disk drive. Strongly recommended: Hard disk. Registration fee: $0.00 Registration benefits: No registration required. Look for: WGUIDE15.ZIP on BBSs (call 909-681-6221 to download it at no charge); WGUIDE.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMNEW forum LIBrary 6 (or contact userID 72301,435 for assistance). Download size: 123k (about nine minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Quick definitions and explanations of some common "new age" terminology. Chapter 14, "Home & hobby" 84 Product: Your ESP Test [***] Author: R.K. West Consulting Version: 1.3a (01-12-94) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.11 or better. 512k RAM; Program can run safely on a system with no hard disk and only one floppy disk drive; CGA monitor. Strongly recommended: EGA monitor; Hard disk. Registration fee: $0.00 Registration benefits: No registration fee required. Look for: ESP13A.ZIP on BBSs (call 909-681-6221 to download it at no charge); ESP.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMNEW forum LIBrary 6 (or contact userID 72301,435 for assistance). Download size: 160k (about twelve minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Three standard tests to see if you have ESP (extra-sensory perception) potential. Try precognition, clairvoyance, or telekinesis. Lots of fun! 14.4 Genealogy Product: Brother's Keeper [***] Author: John Steed Version: 5.1 (02-01-93) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 3.1 or better. 512k RAM; Hard disk. Registration fee: $45.00 Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); lifetime phone, fax, BBS, CompuServe, GEnie, mail support; discounts on upgrades. Lifetime free upgrading allowed. 1 free update disk(s) sent out. Look for: BK5*.* on BBSs (multiple files) (call 616-364-1127 to download it at no charge); BK5*.* on CompuServe in CIS:ROOTS forum LIBrary 3 (multiple files) (or contact userID 75745,1371 for assistance); BK5*.* on GEnie in GENEALOGY forum LIBrary 8 (multiple files) (or contact userID J.STEED1 for assistance). Download size: 1500k (about 112 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: A full featured genealogy program which can store names, dates, locations, and other information for up to 1,000,000 people. It prints all the standard charts and reports and a few unique ones. Reports include ancestor or pedigree charts, descendant reports with relationships, graphic descendant tree, family group sheets, alphabetical name lists, birthday lists, custom designed reports, ahnentafel lists, graphic box charts, and a descendant register report. Includes gedcom. Chapter 14, "Home & hobby" 85 14.5 Health 14.5.1 Food/dietary/kitchen Product: Heart Smart [***] Author: Henning Associates, 804-823-6896 Version: 2.0 (01-25-93) Needs: IBM AT (80286), Windows 3.1 or better. Strongly recommended: VGA monitor; Hard disk. Registration fee: $20.00 Registration benefits: Full program functionality; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); lifetime unlimited phone, CompuServe, mail support; royalty-free runtime license; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5); discounts on upgrades. 6-month free upgrading allowed. Look for: availability unknown on BBSs; HSMART.EXE on CompuServe in CIS:GOODHEALTH forum LIBrary 10 (or contact userID 72176,2507 for assistance). Download size: 100k (about eight minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Designed to help you eat healthier and help your heart out. Has a modifiable food list of 900 items and allows you to plan a 7-day menu and print the menu out to a graphics printer. Keep calorie counts by meal, by the day, or for the whole week. Automatically computes the percentage of fat in your diet. Product: Managing Your Food [***] Tracks food cost, nutrition, and inventory. See full description on page 53. 14.6 Household automation Product: Around The House [***] Complete personal/home information manager. See full description on page 24. Chapter 14, "Home & hobby" 86 Product: Super!Market [***] Author: Trulli Tops Software, Inc., 216-974-5189 Version: 1.10 (12-01-93) Needs: IBM AT (80286), DOS 3.1 or better. Hard disk. Strongly recommended: HP LaserJet printer. Registration fee: $25.00 (add $5.00 for shipping to U.S. addresses) (add $5.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $5.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 12 months of phone, CompuServe, mail support; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5). Look for: SUPMK*.ZIP on BBSs (call 703-680-9269 to download it at no charge); SUPMK*.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMAPP forum LIBrary 7 (or contact userID 70700,3555 for assistance). Download size: 250k (about 19 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: A Windows-based home productivity product used to create a shopping list that includes prices and aisle numbers. The list can be printed in aisle sequence with or without pricing information. Exploits the advantages of windows facilities in Windows or OS/2 so that operations are quick and accurate. International customization is allowed for currency type, decimal style, and date presentation. 14.7 Lottery Product: Lotto Thunder (PICK-6 Version) [***] Author: Charles P.Staats Version: 1.2 (11-01-92) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 3.3 or better. 640k RAM; CGA monitor; Hard disk. Registration fee: $20.00 Registration benefits: printed manual; quick-reference card; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 3 months of unlimited CompuServe, newsletter, mail support; runtime license; discounts on other products. Look for: LOTTOT.ZIP on BBSs; LOTTOT.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMNEW forum LIBrary 9 (or contact userID 72747,2474 for assistance). Download size: 413k (about 31 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: A complete lotto prediction and number systems program. Has three completely different methods of predicting lotto numbers. Wheel systems up to 54 numbers, multiple level predictions, save predictions, scan for winners, scan for past performance, auto and manual execution of prediction methods, no game limit. Pull down menus, in-memory scanning, support for expanded memory. Chapter 14, "Home & hobby" 87 Product: Lotto Thunder Quint (PICK-5) [***] Author: Charles P.Staats Version: 1.2 (11-01-92) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 3.0 or better. 640k RAM; Hard disk. Registration fee: $20.00 Registration benefits: 3 months of support. Look for: LOTTOQ.ZIP on BBSs; LOTTOQ.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMNEW forum LIBrary 9 (or contact userID 72747,2474 for assistance). Download size: 413k (about 31 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: A complete lotto prediction and number systems program. Has three completely different methods of predicting lotto numbers. Wheel systems up to 45 numbers, multiple level predictions, save predictions, scan for winners, scan for past performance, auto and manual execution of prediction methods, no game limit. Pull down menus, in-memory scanning, support for expanded memory. 14.8 Music See also: Education, Music. Product: METROTUNE [***] Super metronome and tuning fork. See full description on page 69. Product: MusicEase [***] Author: RMH Computer Services, 317-782-9903 Version: 4.02 (01-10-94) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.1 or better. 640k RAM; Program can run safely on a system with no hard disk and only one floppy disk drive; CGA monitor; Hercules monitor. Strongly recommended: Hard disk; HP LaserJet printer. Registration fee: $49.00 (add $5.00 for shipping to U.S. addresses) (add $5.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $8.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 3 months of unlimited phone, BBS, CompuServe, mail support; bonus utilities; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5); discounts on other products. Look for: ME402.ZIP on BBSs (call 317-784-2147 to download it at no charge); MUSIC.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMNEW forum LIBrary 4 (or contact userID 73567,1547 for assistance). SWREG#: 1371 Download size: 425k (about 32 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Formerly a successful commercial product, this music score editor lets you create, edit, print and play music notation. WYSIWYG screen oriented editor providing a constraint based system with a large amount of knowledge of music notation. Will intelligently handle many of the details of scoring automatically. Can create professional looking scores easily Chapter 14, "Home & hobby" 88 and quickly. Enter notes using the computer keyboard or by playing them on a MIDI instrument (MPU-401 only). Can transpose, invert and retrograde. 14.9 Personalities Product: By the Numbers [***] Personality analysis with Numerology. See full description on page 79. Product: JailBird [***] Create & print vanity license plate replicas. See full description on page 72. Product: Your ESP Test [***] Test your ESP potential! See full description on page 83. 14.10 Planes, trains & automobiles Product: Car Restoration Diary [***] Data tracking for vintage auto restoration. See full description on page 42. Product: Chris's Automobile Recorder [***] Author: Cooney Applied Technology Version: 13.2 (01-08-94) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 3.3 or better. 300k RAM; Dual 720k floppy drives. Strongly recommended: VGA monitor; Hard disk. Registration fee: $0.00 Registration benefits: lifetime BBS, CompuServe, mail support; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5). Look for: CAR132.ZIP on BBSs (call 513-274-0821 to download it at no charge); CAR132.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMAPP forum LIBrary 7 (or contact userID 71001,1370 for assistance). Download size: 300k (about 23 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Operation, maintenance, and inspection logger and reminder for vehicles and machines. Quick & easy to use, yet 100% comprehensive & powerful. Has context-sensitive pop-up help and a 51 p. manual. Reminders, reports, and graphs help you operate reliably and economically. Detailed, printed logs add value at resale time. Supports metric, foreign currencies, multiple vehicles & machines. The best program of its class at any price. 14.11 Reading (and writing, too) Product: Creativity Package [***] Become more creative & improve your writing. See full description on page 37. Chapter 14, "Home & hobby" 89 Product: Poetry Generator [***] Turn your computer into a poet! See full description on page 37. 14.12 Scouting Product: MERIT BADGE TRACKER [***] Author: Robert Barrentine Consulting, 301-490-7104 Version: 3.1 (12-04-93) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.0 or better. 256k RAM; Hard disk. Registration fee: $35.00 (add $2.00 for shipping to U.S. addresses) Registration benefits: lifetime unlimited tollfree 800# phone, CompuServe, mail support; 1 free update disk(s) sent out. Look for: MBTR30.ZIP on BBSs; MBTR30.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:OUTDOORS forum LIBrary 2 (or contact userID 100014,2347 for assistance). Download size: 292k (about 22 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Special instructions: Product distribution restricted to the United States. Description: A menu-driven program which stores a district or council merit badge counselor roster and the specific merit badges and/or any other skills that a specific counselor is registered to counsel. Program will generate several administrative counselor rosters, a roster of merit badges and counselors (with address and telephone number) to be distributed to units, and an annual verification letter to each counselor. Product: POST TRACKER [***] Author: Robert Barrentine Consulting, 301-490-7104 Version: 1.0 (01-27-94) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 3.3 or better. 500k RAM. Strongly recommended: Dual 720k floppy drives; Hard disk. Registration fee: $35.00 (add $3.00 for shipping to U.S. addresses) Registration benefits: choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); lifetime unlimited tollfree 800# phone, fax, CompuServe, mail support; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5). 1 free update disk(s) sent out. Look for: POTR10.ZIP on BBSs; POTR10.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:OUTDOORS forum LIBrary 2 (or contact userID 100014,2347 for assistance). Download size: 309k (about 23 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Special instructions: Product distribution restricted to the United States. Description: A menu-driven program which stores Post roster, attendance, participation, Post offices, and training data. For boys who are continuing to work on Eagle Scout, it also stores complete Scout history; i.e., Merit Badges earned, advancement received, troop offices, etc. Produces adult and explorer rosters, a Chapter 14, "Home & hobby" 90 roster of former members, mailing labels, an individual record, a post telephone call sheet and participation points summary. 14.13 Sports 14.13.1 Baseball/softball Product: StatTrak for Baseball [***] Author: ALL-PRO Software, 608-271-1586 Version: 5.2 (01-20-94) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 3.2 or better. 512k RAM; Program can run safely on a system with no hard disk and only one floppy disk drive; Hard disk. Registration fee: $39.95 (add $5.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $5.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); lifetime unlimited phone, CompuServe, mail support. Look for: availability unknown on BBSs; SB52.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMNEW forum LIBrary 9 (or contact userID 73677,3450 for assistance). Download size: 222k (about 17 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Baseball/softball stat management system for league or individual teams. Keeps records for up to 100 teams (99 players per team). Tracks batting, pitching, fielding, won/lost record, game scores, and team standings. Reports can be computed for any selected games (all games, last 10, game 7, league, etc). Lets you design your own reports, name additional categories, and sort on any category. Menu-driven and very easy to use. Loaded with the 91-93 World Series games. Product: Wild Pitch! [***] Desktop baseball simulation. See full description on page 97. Chapter 15, "Religion & philosophy" 91 Chapter 15 Religion & philosophy See also: Home & hobby, Fortune telling & astrology. 15.1 The Bible 15.1.1 Bible programs Product: Bible IQ Challenge [***] Bible trivia game for 1-4 players. See full description on page 98. 15.2 New age/occult Product: By the Numbers [***] Personality analysis with Numerology. See full description on page 79. Product: Fortune Teller [***] Seven ways to tell fortunes, plus ESP test. See full description on page 80. Product: Geomancy [***] Author: R.K. West Consulting Version: 4.6c (01-11-94) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.11 or better. 512k RAM; Program can run safely on a system with no hard disk and only one floppy disk drive. Strongly recommended: Hard disk. Registration fee: $0.00 Registration benefits: No registration fee required. Look for: GEO46C.ZIP on BBSs (call 909-681-6221 to download it at no charge); GEO.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMNEW forum LIBrary 6 (or contact userID 72301,435 for assistance). Download size: 215k (about 16 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: This is an ancient system of divination, sometimes associated with black magic. Originally based on stones tossed in a circle, modern Geomancy uses your selection of dot patterns to create an Astro-Geomantic chart and answer your questions. Provides an explanation of Geomantic figures. Readings can be saved, edited, printed. Product: Mayan Calendar [***] Converts Mayan/modern calendar dates. See full description on page 80. Chapter 15, "Religion & philosophy" 92 Product: Personal Tarot [***] Fortune telling with Tarot cards. See full description on page 81. Product: Richard Webster's Aura Reading [***] Learn to read auras! See full description on page 81. Product: Richard Webster's Numerology [***] Understand personalities with numbers! See full description on page 82. Product: Wynter Stone's I Ching [***] I CHING fortunes and philosophy. See full description on page 82. Product: Wynter Stone's Quick Guide [***] Mini-Encyclopedia of Mystical and Occult Info. See full description on page 83. Product: Your ESP Test [***] Test your ESP potential! See full description on page 83. 15.3 Philosophy 15.3.1 Metaphysics Product: By the Numbers [***] Personality analysis with Numerology. See full description on page 79. Product: Fortune Teller [***] Seven ways to tell fortunes, plus ESP test. See full description on page 80. Product: Geomancy [***] Ancient system of divination with black magic. See full description on page 91. Product: Personal Tarot [***] Fortune telling with Tarot cards. See full description on page 81. Product: Richard Webster's Aura Reading [***] Learn to read auras! See full description on page 81. Product: Richard Webster's Numerology [***] Understand personalities with numbers! See full description on page 82. Product: Wynter Stone's I Ching [***] I CHING fortunes and philosophy. See full description on page 82. Chapter 15, "Religion & philosophy" 93 Product: Your ESP Test [***] Test your ESP potential! See full description on page 83. Chapter 16, "Games" 94 Chapter 16 Games See also: Home & hobby, Lottery. 16.1 Arcade games Product: O.R.B.Y. [***] Author: Able Art Software, 604-229-4766 Version: 1.0 (12-21-93) Needs: IBM AT (80286), DOS 3.0 or better. 640k RAM; Program can run safely on a system with no hard disk and only one floppy disk drive; EGA monitor; Hercules monitor. Strongly recommended: VGA monitor. Registration fee: $12.00 (add $3.00 for shipping to U.S. addresses) (add $3.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $5.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 3 months of phone, mail support. Look for: ORBY10.ZIP on BBSs (multiple files); ORBY10.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:GAMERS forum LIBrary 7 (or contact userID 71431,1673 for assistance). Download size: 81k (about six minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Orbit Rebound Bankshot Yaw...a game that combines elements of hockey, billiards, and planetary orbits. Use strategy to score goals with orbiting planets. Play against another person, or see if you can beat the computer. Keyboard input, high scores hall of fame, sound toggle on/off. 16.2 Non-card games Product: TIT-for-TAT [***] R-rated slot machine type game with breasts. See full description on page 100. Product: Wild Pitch! [***] Desktop baseball simulation. See full description on page 97. 16.3 Casino games Product: TIT-for-TAT [***] R-rated slot machine type game with breasts. See full description on page 100. Chapter 16, "Games" 95 16.4 Jokes & humor Product: Crystal Ball [***] Humorous computerized psychic. See full description on page 79. Product: Curses! [***] Author: R.K. West Consulting Version: 3.0a (01-12-94) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.11 or better. 512k RAM; Program can run safely on a system with no hard disk and only one floppy disk drive. Strongly recommended: Hard disk. Registration fee: $0.00 Registration benefits: No registration fee required. Look for: CURSES30.ZIP on BBSs (call 715-652-2758 to download it at no charge); CURSES.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMNEW forum LIBrary 6 (or contact userID 72301,435 for assistance). Download size: 170k (about 13 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: A humorous, creative "insult generator" with a different twist. A single keystroke switches from insults to compliments! Phrases are randomly generated from your vivid vocabulary. You control the contents, so the program can generate descriptive phrases on any subject. Product: Hard at Work [***] You take a break while the computer "works" See full description on page 96. Product: LoveDOS [***] The computer falls in love with you. See full description on page 96. Product: NAG [***] The program for people who miss their mothers. See full description on page 96. Chapter 16, "Games" 96 16.5 Practical jokes Product: Hard at Work [***] Author: R.K. West Consulting Version: 1.3b (01-11-94) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.11 or better. 512k RAM; Program can run safely on a system with no hard disk and only one floppy disk drive. Strongly recommended: CGA monitor; Hard disk. Registration fee: $0.00 Registration benefits: No registration fee required. Look for: HAW13B.ZIP on BBSs (call 909-681-6221 to download it at no charge); HAWHAW.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMNEW forum LIBrary 6 (or contact userID 72301,435 for assistance). Download size: 95k (about seven minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: This cutie ties up your computer with a Very Important (but imaginary) task so you can take a break. When you start Hard At Work, it selects one of 7 routines at random. You can pick your favorite job by pressing the appropriate function key. The activity on screen looks too important to be interrupted. If someone tries to stop the action with ESC or CTRL-C, a DANGER message pops up, and a tone alerts you. The process continues until you want to stop it. Product: LoveDOS [***] Author: R.K. West Consulting Version: 1.4b (01-11-94) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.11 or better. 512k RAM; Program can run safely on a system with no hard disk and only one floppy disk drive. Strongly recommended: CGA monitor; Hard disk. Registration fee: $0.00 Registration benefits: No registration fee required. Look for: LOVED14B.ZIP on BBSs (call 909-681-6221 to download it at no charge); LOVE.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMNEW forum LIBrary 6 (or contact userID 72301,435 for assistance). Download size: 90k (about seven minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Unlike practical joke programs that take over the DOS prompt and insult you, this uncooperative program drowns you with love and affection! It responds intelligently to many DOS commands and has a repertoire of friendly comments. Chapter 16, "Games" 97 Product: NAG [***] Author: R.K. West Consulting Version: 1.0a (01-11-94) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.11 or better. 512k RAM; Program can run safely on a system with no hard disk and only one floppy disk drive. Strongly recommended: Hard disk. Registration fee: $0.00 Registration benefits: No registration fee required. Look for: NAG10A.ZIP on BBSs (call 909-681-6221 to download it at no charge); NAG.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMNEW forum LIBrary 6 (or contact userID 72301,435 for assistance). Download size: 92k (about seven minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Away from home? Miss your parents? Let this help! It says what they'd say, if only there were here! Clean up your room, sit up straight, drink your milk - all those little reminders you just can't live without. Put it in a friend's AUTOEXEC.BAT file to show how much you care! 16.6 Sayings & stories Product: NAG [***] The program for people who miss their mothers. See full description on page 96. 16.7 Simulators 16.7.1 Sports Product: Wild Pitch! [***] Author: MS Software Version: 1.1 (11-22-93) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.11 or better. 640k RAM; CGA monitor; Hard disk. Strongly recommended: Mouse. Registration fee: $25.00 (add $10.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); lifetime unlimited CompuServe, mail support; bonus utilities; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5); disks of other shareware. 1 free update disk(s) sent out. Look for: availability unknown on BBSs; WP*.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:SPRTSIMS forum LIBrary 2 (or contact userID 71121,3137 for assistance). Download size: 350k (about 26 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: A baseball simulation that allows you to test your skills as a big league skipper by letting you manage players who perform exactly as they did in real life. Select lineups, pitchers, steal bases, bunt, hit and run, position the defense, pinch hit/run, and more! View all stats any time before, during, or Chapter 16, "Games" 98 after game. Easy-to-use, modern Windows-like user interface with full mouse capabilities. All latest AL and NL teams included! Includes automatic lineup selection! 16.8 Strategy/simulation Product: Wild Pitch! [***] Desktop baseball simulation. See full description on page 97. 16.9 Trivia Product: Bible IQ Challenge [***] Author: R.K. West Consulting Version: 1.1a (01-29-94) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.11 or better. 512k RAM; Program can run safely on a system with no hard disk and only one floppy disk drive. Strongly recommended: Hard disk. Registration fee: $15.00 (add $6.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $6.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 3 months of unlimited fax, CompuServe, mail support; discounts on other products. Look for: BCHALL11.ZIP on BBSs (call 909-681-6221 to download it at no charge); BCHALL.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMNEW forum LIBrary 6 (or contact userID 72301,435 for assistance). PsL#: 10795 Download size: 100k (about eight minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: Based on the King James version of the Old Testament, this program lets you compete against yourself or others in your knowledge of Bible facts. Your choice of Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced level controls how fast you play and how many points you can earn. Winners print certificates of achievement. Fun for the whole family. Product: Personal Challenge [***] Educational trivia game for 1-4 players. See full description on page 71. 16.10 Word games Product: Crossword Creator [***] Multi-lingual crossword puzzle editor. See full description on page 68. Chapter 16, "Games" 99 Product: EGAWHEEL [***] Author: WHEEL Games Version: V.1.91 (12-18-93) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 2.11 or better. 640k RAM; EGA monitor; Hard disk. Strongly recommended: Mouse. Registration fee: $10.00 (add $3.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 3 months of mail support; bonus data. Look for: availability unknown on BBSs; EGAWHE.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMNEW forum LIBrary 8 (or contact userID 76662,1623 for assistance). Download size: 100k (about eight minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: A "Wheel of Fortune"/hangman type of word guessing game for IBM compatible computers with EGA video card and monitor. The game features: a colorful spinning wheel, 1-3 players, 6 rounds of play, a sound on/off option, optional mouse, automatic win after all letters of the puzzle are bought and guessed, a high score table for the top ten WHEELERS, and an editor to add/ delete/modify puzzles. The editor may be used to create a custom database for a teaching aid from grade school through college. Product: VGAWHEEL [***] Author: WHEEL Games Version: V.1.91 (12-18-93) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 3.0 or better. 640k RAM; VGA monitor; Hard disk. Strongly recommended: Mouse. Registration fee: $10.00 (add $3.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: printed manual; choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 3 months of mail support; bonus data. Look for: availability unknown on BBSs; VGAWHE.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMNEW forum LIBrary 8 (or contact userID 76662,1623 for assistance). Download size: 100k (about eight minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: A "Wheel of Fortune"/Hangman type of word guessing game. The game features: a colorful spinning wheel, 1-3 players, 6 rounds of play, a sound on/off option, automatic win after all letters have been bought and guessed, optional mouse, a high score table for the top ten WHEELERS, and an editor to add/delete/ modify puzzles. The editor may be used to create a custom database for using the program as a teaching aid in grade school through college. Chapter 16, "Games" 100 Product: WINWHEEL [***] Author: WHEEL Games Version: 1.70 (01-16-93) Needs: IBM AT (80286), Windows 3.0 or better. VGA monitor; Hard disk. VBRUN100.DLL. Strongly recommended: Mouse. Registration fee: $19.00 (add $3.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 3 months of support; bonus data. Look for: availability unknown on BBSs; WINWHE.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:WINFUN forum LIBrary 3 (or contact userID 76662,1623 for assistance). Download size: 230k (about 17 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: A Wheel of Fortune/Hangman type word guessing game for Windows 3.X. Features: colorful graphics, 1-3 players, 6 rounds, sound on/off options, autowin after all letters bought and guessed, hi-score table for top 10 WHEELERS, and a powerful puzzle editor to add/delete/modify puzzles. 16.11 For adults Product: TIT-for-TAT [***] Author: King Software Version: 1.0 (01-20-94) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 3.3 or better. 512k RAM; Program can run safely on a system with no hard disk and only one floppy disk drive; SVGA monitor; Hard disk. Registration fee: $12.00 (add $3.00 for shipping to U.S. addresses) (add $3.00 for shipping to Canadian addresses) (add $5.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 3 months of unlimited mail support; bonus utilities; bonus data. Look for: availability unknown on BBSs; TFORT.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:NEW USER'S forum LIBrary 6 (or contact userID 70521,2600 for assistance). Download size: 250k (about 19 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: An R-rated slot machine like game that uses female breasts to match instead of fruit. Break the bank or go flat broke, either way you'll be busted! Chapter 17, "About shareware" 101 Chapter 17 About shareware 17.1 For shareware authors Product: Shareware Tracker [***] Author: RMH Computer Services, 317-782-9903 Version: 3.11 (11-05-93) Needs: IBM PC, DOS 3.3 or better. 512k RAM; Hard disk. Registration fee: $29.00 (add $5.00 for shipping outside U.S. or Canada) Registration benefits: choice of 31/2" or 51/4" master disk(s); 12 months of unlimited phone, BBS, CompuServe, mail support; bonus utilities; all ASP-wide offers (see page 5). Look for: SWT311*.ZIP on BBSs (multiple files) (call 317-784-2147 to download it at no charge); SWTRK.ZIP on CompuServe in CIS:IBMPRO forum LIBrary 6 (or contact userID 73567,1547 for assistance). SWREG#: 1495 Download size: 440k (about 33 minutes with a 2400 baud modem) Description: An office manager for the shareware author. Will track users, submissions, expenses, upgrade sales, tech support sales, subscription sales, source code sales, and more. It has an appointment calendar, a module to keep track of other important names and addresses, and a pop-up calculator. The program will mail-merge letters and labels to users, with submission, and to other authors and dealers. Many pre-defined reports, and user can define an unlimited number his own reports. Context sensitive help. Chapter 17, "Appendixes" 102 PART 2 Appendixes Appendix A, "Author addresses" 103 Appendix A Author addresses This appendix cross-references each author to his or her pro- duct(s). If you want to know where to write or call about a particular product, look for it in the index and write down the page number where the product name appears in this appendix. Then turn to the appropriate page in this appendix and look up the author. ------------------------------------------------------ Please note! Many authors specify a shareware regis- tration service's phone number in the "orders only" phone field. These registration services can only take product orders. They cannot offer any product support; they cannot tell you anything about a pro- duct; they cannot send you any brochures; and they cannot forward any messages to the author. You must call the "queries" or "fax" numbers listed for an author in order to obtain support or to speak with the author. ------------------------------------------------------ Product: Personal Calendar (PC) for DOS Author: FunStuff Software [Paul Munoz-Colman] Address: 11645 Charter Oak Court, Suite 201, Reston, VA 22090-4526 Orders: 800-242-4775 (orders only, please) Accepts: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Optima, Visa Fax: 703-435-3130 Queries: 703-435-1110 Products: BOXER/OS2 Text Editor, BOXER/OS2 Text Editor Author: Boxer Software [David R. Hamel] Address: P.O. Box 3230, Peterborough, NH 03458-3230 Orders: 800-982-6937 (orders only, please) Accepts: American Express, MasterCard, Optima, Visa Fax: 603-924-4471 Queries: 603-924-6602 Product: Managing Your Food Author: MYF Software [Greg Aakhus] Address: 1504 Chinquapin Court, Bakersfield, CA 93309 Orders: 800-995-1605 (orders only, please) Accepts: MasterCard, Visa Fax: 805-396-9442 Queries: 805-398-1449 Appendix A, "Author addresses" 104 Products: LOGGIT, LOGGIT, LOGGIT Author: GTX Software [Victor G. Baron] Address: 5419 Dahlia Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90041 Orders & queries: 213-257-2704 Products: ON-SIDE, ON-SIDE, ON-SIDE, ON-SIDE, ON-SIDE Author: Expressware Corporation Address: PO Box 1800, Duvall, WA 98019 Orders: 800-753-3453 (orders only, please) Accepts: American Express, MasterCard, Optima, Visa Fax: 206-788-4493 Queries: 206-788-0932 Product: PopDBF Author: Lighthouse Software, Inc. Address: PO Box 9601, Peoria, IL 61612 Orders: 800-242-4775 (orders only, please) Accepts: Fax: 309-673-9895 Queries: 309-673-9886 Products: DR. Memory, DR. Memory Author: Cooney Applied Technology Address: P.O. Box 292039, Kettering, OH 45429-0039 Product: StatTrak for Baseball Author: ALL-PRO Software [Jeff Elwood] Address: 30 Maple View Court, Madison, WI 53719 Orders & queries: 608-271-1586 Products: Utility_Belt, Utility_Belt, Utility_Belt, Utility_Belt, Utility_Belt, Utility_Belt Author: Herne Data Systems Ltd Address: PO Box 250, Tiverton, Ontario, CANADA N0G 2T0 Orders & queries: 519-366-2732 Accepts: MasterCard, Visa Fax: 519-366-2732 Product: PowerBatch Author: CSD, Inc. Address: 4437 Ormond Trace, Marietta, GA 30066 Orders: 800-242-4775 (orders only, please) Accepts: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Optima, Visa Fax: 404-926-9590 Queries: 404-926-9565 Appendix A, "Author addresses" 105 Product: Crossword Creator Author: PC HELP-LINE Address: 35250 Silver Leaf Circle, Yucaipa, CA 92399 Orders & queries: 909-797-3091 Fax: 909-797-3091 Products: WINWHEEL, WINWHEEL, WINWHEEL Author: WHEEL Games [Russell Mueller] Address: 507 Washington Gdns, Washington, NJ 07882-9205 Products: CNC CAD CAM Package, CNC CAD CAM Package Author: Northland Multisoft [Brian Pfaffl] Address: 1501 S. Glendora Ave., Glendora, CA 91740 Orders & queries: 818-963-6355 Product: BOOT.SYS Author: Salvisberg Software & Consulting [Hans Salvisberg] Address: Bellevuestr. 18, CH-3095 Berne, SWITZERLAND Orders: 800-2424-PSL (orders only, please) Accepts: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Optima, Visa Fax: +41-31-972-42-10 Product: PC-FOOD Author: SCHRECK SOFTWARE [Lee Schreck] Address: 1420 Interlachen Circle, Woodbury, MN 55125 Orders & queries: 612-731-6822 Fax: 612-731-6822 Products: PENDULUM, PENDULUM Author: SCIENCE FUN [Peter Thieberger] Address: 15 Seeley St., Brookhaven, NY 11719 Fax: 516-286-4579 Product: WDiff Author: C.Sitte Softwaretechnik [Chris Sitte] Address: Postfach 42, A-5025 Salzburg, AUSTRIA Accepts: American Express, MasterCard, Optima, Visa Product: Brother's Keeper Author: John Steed Address: 6907 Childsdale, Rockford, MI 49341 Orders: 800-242-4775 (orders only, please) Accepts: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Optima, Visa Fax: 616-866-3345 Appendix A, "Author addresses" 106 Products: Your ESP Test, Your ESP Test, Your ESP Test, Your ESP Test, Your ESP Test, Your ESP Test, Your ESP Test, Your ESP Test, Your ESP Test, Your ESP Test, Your ESP Test, Your ESP Test, Your ESP Test, Your ESP Test, Your ESP Test, Your ESP Test, Your ESP Test, Your ESP Test, Your ESP Test, Your ESP Test, Your ESP Test, Your ESP Test, Your ESP Test, Your ESP Test, Your ESP Test Author: R.K. West Consulting [Rosemary K. West] Address: P.O. Box 8059, Mission Hills, CA 91346 Orders: 800-242-4775 (orders only, please) Accepts: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Optima, Visa Fax: 818-366-1737 Products: XPENS, XPENS Author: Richard A. Williams Address: P.O. Box 1311, Crystal Lake, IL 60039 Orders: 800-2424-PSL (orders only, please) Accepts: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Optima, Visa Fax: 713-524-6398 Queries: 815-455-6333 Product: MAPIT Author: Allison Software [John B. Allison] Address: 166 Shady Lane, Apollo, PA 15613 Orders & queries: 412-727-2198 Accepts: MasterCard, Visa Products: Lotto Thunder Quint (PICK-5), Lotto Thunder Quint (PICK-5) Author: Charles P.Staats Address: P.O. Box 29151, Brooklyn Center, MN 55429 Products: POST TRACKER, POST TRACKER, POST TRACKER Author: Robert Barrentine Consulting Address: 3211/2 Gorman Avenue, Laurel, MD 20707-4707 Orders & queries: 301-490-7104 Fax: 301-490-4168 Product: FileBUDDY Author: Lenard Dean Address: Box 73094, Woodbine Postal Outlet, Calgary, Alberta, T2W 6E0 CANADA Products: Purge, Purge Author: Blue Ridge Software, Inc. Address: 235 Southport Drive, Lexington, KY 40503 Orders: 800-707-5148 (orders only, please) Accepts: American Express, MasterCard, Optima, Visa Fax: 606-277-2558 Queries: 606-276-5148 Appendix A, "Author addresses" 107 Product: CALC_JNC Author: James N. Cox Address: 418 Erie Avenue, Quakertown, PA 18951-1309 Orders: 800-242-4775 (orders only, please) Accepts: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Optima, Visa Queries: 215-538-7363 Products: NeMenu, NeMenu Author: Just-In-Time Computing Services [John C. Skurka] Address: P.O. Box 4166, Ithaca, NY 14852-4166 Orders & queries: 607-539-6931 Fax: 607-539-6609 Product: BIBLOGIC Author: Biblogic Computer Services [Steve Champion] Address: PO Box 1424, Thousand Oaks, CA 91358-0424 Fax: 805-493-0364 Product: TIT-for-TAT Author: King Software [Jerry King] Address: 1200 Jones Drive, Salem, OH 44460 Product: PC-FORMS and PC-LIBRARY Author: Blackledge Law Office [Bill Blackledge] Address: The Warwick #151, 2400 Arrowhead Dr., Abilene, TX 79606 Orders: 800-242-4775 (orders only, please) Accepts: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Optima, Visa Queries: 915-692-9105 Products: O.R.B.Y., O.R.B.Y., O.R.B.Y. Author: Able Art Software [Al Walters] Address: P.O. Box 964, Nelson, B.C. V1L 6A5 CANADA Orders: 800-242-4775 (orders only, please) Accepts: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Optima, Visa Queries: 604-229-4766 Products: Thelma's SpellPlus, Thelma's SpellPlus, Thelma's SpellPlus Author: Timpanogos Software [Douglas Campbell] Address: 758 East 100 North, Orem, UT 84057-4910 Orders & queries: 801-223-9055 Accepts: MasterCard, Visa Fax: 801-225-5212 Product: BCM Menu System Author: BCM Software [Brad May] Address: P.O.Box 267, Taylor, MI 48180-0267 Orders: 800-242-4775 (orders only, please) Accepts: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Optima, Visa Queries: 313-292-6097 Appendix A, "Author addresses" 108 Product: Home Plan Author: Home Plan [Chuck Herndon] Address: 6890 Rimrock Valley Rd., Mountain Ranch, CA 95246 Orders: 800-671-7526 (orders only, please) Accepts: MasterCard, Visa Queries: 209-754-4891 Product: The Stock Analyst Author: Visionary Software (C/- SDA) Address: 5A Waldegrave Gardens, Twickenham, Middx. TW1 4PQ, UNITED KINGDOM Orders & queries: 081-744-2002 Accepts: Fax: 081-891-0866 Product: Above & Beyond Author: 1Soft Corp. Address: PO Box 1320, Middletown, CA 95461 Orders & queries: 707-987-0256 Accepts: Fax: 707-987-3150 Product: FSLOGIN Author: Confirm Address: Ardechelaan 35, 6904 NG Zevenaar, THE NETHERLANDS Orders: +31-8360-24988 (orders only, please) Fax: +31-8360-41580 Product: SAB Diskette Utility Author: Stewart A. Berman [Stewart Berman] Address: 34 Adler Place, Suite B, Bronx, NY 10475-3901 Products: Shareware Tracker, Shareware Tracker, Shareware Tracker, Shareware Tracker, Shareware Tracker, Shareware Tracker, Shareware Tracker Author: RMH Computer Services [Richard Holler] Address: PO Box 657, Beech Grove, IN 46107-0657 Orders: 800-242-4775 (orders only, please) Accepts: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Optima, Visa Queries: 317-782-9903 Products: RexxBase, RexxBase Author: American Coders, LTD. Address: POB 97462, Raleigh, NC 27624 Orders & queries: 919-846-2014 Product: TreeChart Author: FineLine Software Address: Newtown, Kinvara, Co. Galway, IRELAND Orders: 800-242-4775 (orders only, please) Accepts: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Optima, Visa Fax: (+353)-091-37560 Queries: (+353)-091-37560 Appendix A, "Author addresses" 109 Product: Wild Pitch! Author: MS Software [Michael Savage] Address: P.O. Box 536, Glen Ridge, NJ 07028 Orders: 800-444-5457 (orders only, please) Accepts: Fax: 317-286-3182 Products: Network Appointment Scheduler, Network Appointment Scheduler, Network Appointment Scheduler, Network Appointment Scheduler, Network Appointment Scheduler, Network Appointment Scheduler Author: DataTek Computer Services [Kirk Wentzel] Address: 547 Wunder Street, Reading, PA 19602-2005 Orders & queries: 215-374-2097 Accepts: American Express, MasterCard, Optima, Visa Product: A Batch View Author: Robin R. Latham Address: P.O. Box 16152, Fort Worth, TX 76162 Orders & queries: 817-263-4056 Fax: N Product: Super!Market Author: Trulli Tops Software, Inc. Address: 7749 Ridgeway Dr., Mentor, OH 44060 Orders: 800-242-4775 (orders only, please) Accepts: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Optima, Visa Queries: 216-974-5189 Product: SNAP-P Author: Neptune Systems Address: 1703 Neptune Lane, Houston, TX 77062 Fax: 713-486-0375 Queries: 713-488-5722 Product: Image'n'Bits Author: Bananas Software Inc Address: 29 Engle Rd, Paramus, NJ 07652 Orders & queries: 201-265-9855 Products: Task Scheduler for DOS, Task Scheduler for DOS Author: Simian Id Software [Don Branson] Address: P.O. Box 430011, St. Louis, MO 63143 Queries: 314-781-8709 Appendix A, "Author addresses" 110 Product: Seascape Author: Advanced Computer Tektonics [Alan Walworth] Address: 334 State Street, Suite 106, Los Altos, CA 94022 Orders & queries: 415-424-1403 Product: Personal Finances 2 Author: Spitfire Software Address: 325 Breakwater Ridge, Atlanta, GA 30328 Orders: 800-242-4775 (orders only, please) Accepts: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Optima, Visa Fax: 713-524-6398 Queries: 404-257-0187 Product: Task Killer Author: Hyperion Microsystems Address: P.O. Box 243, Edmonds, WA 98020 Product: Heart Smart Author: Henning Associates [Michael R. Henning] Address: Rt. 2, Box 526-A, Crozet, VA 22932 Orders & queries: 804-823-6896 Appendix B, "Vendor addresses" 111 Appendix B Vendor addresses This appendix lists each ASP-approved disk vendor. These vendors have agreed to abide by ethical standards when offering shareware. Aces Research Inc Address: 4480-C ENTERPRISE ST, FREMONT CA 94538 Phone: 510-683-8855 Alamo Software Address: 5858 CLAY PALMERDALE ROAD, PINSON AL 35126 Phone: 205-681-6554 Bellot Mountain Software Address: 25 Bellot Road, RINGWOOD NJ 07456 Phone: 201-962-9068 Cent$ible Software, Inc Address: 1955 Spring Harbor Dr #N, Delray Beach FL 33445-6882 Phone: 407-684-4679 Computer Shareware Library Address: Shop 1/44 Lincoln Street Strathpine, BRISBANE QLD 4500 AUSTRALIA Phone: 07 881 3694 Computer Solutions Dorth Address: POSTBUS 59, NL - 7213 NETHERLANDS Phone: 31 5759-4545 DataProjects Heidel Address: Im Huferfeld 5, Dusseldorf 40468 GERMANY Phone: 211 4180700 DP Tool Club Address: 99 RUE PARMENTIER, VILLENEUVE D'ASCQ F-59493 FRANCE Phone: 33-2084-5533 Eracom Sdn. Bhd. Address: 35A, Jalan Jejaka 9, Taman Maluri, Kuala Lumpur 55100 MALAYSIA Phone: 603-9853108 ITC Data Engineering LTD Address: 8 Grassnount Taymount Rise, LONDON SE23 3UW U.K. Phone: 44-71-281-5318 Appendix B, "Vendor addresses" 112 Manaccom (S.A) Address: 93A KENSINGTON ROAD, NORWOOD ADELAIDE 5067 AUSTRALIA Phone: 61 8 364 2753 Morrison Wallaace Address: Suite 1, 15 Grosvenor St, NEUTRAL BAY NSW 2089 AUSTRALIA Phone: 02 9539332 P C Compatibles Address: P O Box 14, SCORESBY VICTORIA 3179 AUSTRALIA Phone: 03-763-1960 pd systems Address: LAPAKUJA 2 C, FIN-40520 JYVASKYLA SF-40520 FINLAND People's Choice Address: PO BOX 355, EDINBURGH IN 46124-0355 Ramesis Address: 27 Carr Hill Grove, CALVERLEY WEST YORKSHIRE LS28 5QB ENGLAND Phone: 0532 394477 Ronin Software Australia Address: 3 Amitaf Ave Cavingbah, SYDNEY NSW 2229 AUSTRALIA Phone: 02-524-0270 Sharcon Soft Address: Statiestraat 40, NIJLEN ANTWERPEN B-2560 BELGIUM Phone: 32 3 481 9895 Shareware Address: PO Box 7037, LONG BEACH CA 90807-0037 Phone: 310-499-1262 Shareware Australia Pty Ltd Address: Suite 33, 330 Wattle Street, ULTIMO NSW 2007 AUSTRALIA Phone: 02 211-6213 Shareware Everywhere Address: 400 Wood Haven Rd, PAWTUCKET RI 02863 Phone: 401-726-6209 Shareware Selekt Address: Postbus 588, AN WOERDEN 3440 NETHERLANDS Phone: 03487 2631 Shareware USA Address: PO BOX 92, 3929-35 Old William Penn Highway, Murrysville PA 15668 Phone: 412-325-7451 Appendix B, "Vendor addresses" 113 Softdesign Concepts Company Address: PO Box 392, MECHANICSBURG PA 17055 Phone: 717-795-9583 Tanstafl Shareware Address: 203 Old Farm Rd, HARRISON AR 72601 Phone: 501-741-5610 Try-B4-U-BI Address: 1 Lockhart Pl, HAWICK TD9 9JR SCOTLAND Phone: 0450 74604 UpDate Software Address: 300 Hawkins Ave, N BRADDOCK PA 15104 Phone: 412-271-2685 Valley Enterprises Address: 14-16 Chaucer Road, STAATSBURG NY 12580 Phone: 914-385-2986 Appendix C, "Bulletin Boards" 114 Appendix C Bulletin Boards This appendix lists each ASP-approved computer bulletin board system (BBS). These BBSs have agreed to abide by ethical stan- dards when offering shareware. Set your communications software to "8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit" before calling any of these BBSs. ABM-BBS Address: Ziherlova 43/40, Ljubljana 610000 SLOVENIA EUROPE BBS Phone: 386-61-125-4156 Datakinection Address: 8531 Market St, BOARDMAN OH 44512 BBS Phone: 216-726-6811 Floyd's A/C Dog House Address: 3611 Rice Mine Rd #315, TUSCALOOSA AL 35406 BBS Phone: 205-759-4817 J & S BBS Address: 1500 CENTRAL AVENUE, ALBANY NY 12205 BBS Phone: 518-452-4757 JR'S GRAPHICS Address: 13931 N CENTRAL EXPY #318-341, DALLAS TX 75243 BBS Phone: 214-424-4259 Lighthouse BBS Address: 525 NORTH BROAD ST, GRIFFITH IN 46319 BBS Phone: 219-922-9357 Mail Advertising Resources Address: Hopkins Mailing Services, 758 W. RACQUET CLUB DRIVE, ADDISON IL 60101-4318 BBS Phone: 708-628-0330 Microlink D Address: 12244 Applewood Knolls Dr, LAKEWOOD CO 80215 BBS Phone: 303-237-8575 Night Dream BBS Address: Naestvedvej 24, VORDINBORG DK-4760 DENMARK BBS Phone: 45 55340404 Panama ShareWare Address: 8501 N Logoon #307, PANAMA CITY BEACH FL 32408 BBS Phone: 904-235-3634 Appendix C, "Bulletin Boards" 115 RunWay BBS Address: PO Box 0941, LANSDOWNE PA 19050 BBS Phone: 215-623-6203 Skip's Doghouse BBS Address: 621 Big Horn Dr, O'FALLON MO 63366-6944 BBS Phone: 314-272-7547 Southern On-line Services, Inc Address: 3210 Kingsrow Ave Apt 271, Eugene OR 97401-8822 BBS Phone: 504-356-7090 Support U. Address: 15444 CLAYTON RD SUITE 325-15, BALLWIN MO 63011 BBS Phone: 314-227-6746 The Electronic Oracle Address: 12 Brentwood Road, FLINDERS PARK 5025 S.AUSTRALIA BBS Phone: 61 8 234 1150 The Seeker's Place Address: 58 MacDade, DARBY PA 19023 BBS Phone: 215-237-1281 The Starship][BBS Address: 50 GORDON ROAD, ROXBURY TWSP NJ 07885 BBS Phone: 201-935-1485 The Wall BBS Address: 69 Hawkin Rd, NEW EGYPT NJ 08533 BBS Phone: 609-758-1991 The Wall Street Connection Address: 97-541 LUMIAINA ST #7106, WAIPAHU Hi 96747 BBS Phone: 808-521-4356 Yutron Tech (Hong Kong) Lmtd Address: Suite 1605, Tower A New Trade, Plaza, 6, On Ping Street, Shatin, N. T. Hong Kong BBS Phone: 852 6868 169 Appendix D, "Retired shareware" 116 Appendix D Retired shareware This appendix lists shareware products now "retired" by the author. Retired products no longer receive the minimum levels of support, and the authors have agreed to return any registra- tion fees sent in for the software. An author may retire a shareware product for any number of reasons. Some applications have outlived their usefulness; others may have grown too costly to continue supporting due to competition from other authors. Product: Astro-World for Windows Author: Marcus Fabian Astrology Program incl. printed evaluations. Product: Astro-World fuer Windows Author: Marcus Fabian Astrologieprogramm (deutsch) fu"r Windows. Product: Book of Changes Author: R.K. West Consulting I CHING fortunes and philosophy. Product: Dinger Author: Pinecliffe International - ASG Superceded by WOPR 2.0, for WinWord 2.0. Product: Enveloper Author: Pinecliffe International - ASG Superceded by WOPR 2.0, for WinWord 2.x. Product: FOURU Author: GTX Software Four handy utilities. Product: General Purpose System Analyzer Author: COBOL Maintenance Technologies COBOL system analysis and documentation. Product: Home Money Manager II (and I) Author: HomeCraft Software Home checkbook and budgeting. Appendix D, "Retired shareware" 117 Product: I.Q. Challenge Author: R.K. West Consulting Test knowledge in 5 categories, earn diploma. Product: ORGANIZE! Your Legal Case Notes Author: HomeCraft Software Cataloging system for statutes and case notes. Product: An Ounce Of Prevention Author: Pete Maclean Disaster prevention/data protection system. Product: PACK TRACKER Author: Robert Barrentine Consulting Cub Scout pack automated records system. Product: PC Bartender Author: HomeCraft Software Recipes for drinks, featuring no-alchol drink. Product: Penname Author: R.K. West Consulting Helps writers come up with names. Product: PixFolio Image Catalog System Author: ACK Software Windows Image Cataloging System. Product: PrinterBUDDY Author: Lenard Dean A setup utility for all printers. Product: Programmer's SUPER-MAINT Author: EmmaSoft Software Company, Inc. Professional Make utility. Product: Pulsar for DOS Author: Tesserax Information Systems LaserJet printer utility for DOS. Product: SCBABOTL Author: Raymond A.J. Pesek Fire dept. SCBA bottle & PASS management. Appendix D, "Retired shareware" 118 Product: Soothsayer aka Oracle Author: R.K. West Consulting Tarot and I Ching. Product: Stardial Author: GTX Software Autodialer For Galaxy/Starlink service. Product: Total Control Author: Unique Software No longer accepting registrations. Product: Your Financial Advisor Author: HomeCraft Software Loan and finacial calculations. Product: Your Menu Author: HomeCraft Software Hard disk menu and DOS shell. Appendix E, "Sorted list of all programs" 119 Appendix E Sorted list of all programs This appendix notes the author of each program listed in this catalog. It comes in extremely handy when you want to see if a given program comes from an ASP member, or when you want to know the current version number/release date for a program. Hint: look in the index for the program (by name) if you want to see a full description for the program or learn the author's address & phone number. You'll find page references for all the information you need. Above & Beyond 3.0 (12-21-93) 1Soft Corp. AC12TO10 2.22 (01-01-94) Blue Ridge Software, Inc. Appointment Scheduler 3.21 (11-25-93) DataTek Computer Services ARCHIVE TRACKER 1.0 (12-20-93) Robert Barrentine Consulting Around The House 2.01 (01-19-94) RMH Computer Services A Batch View 1.1 (09-30-93) Robin R. Latham BatchMaker Plus 2.6 (07-01-93) Northland Multisoft BCM Menu System 2.2 (01-09-94) BCM Software Bible IQ Challenge 1.1a (01-29-94) R.K. West Consulting BIBLOGIC 3.02 (12-19-93) Biblogic Computer Services BOOT.SYS 2.02 (01-06-93) Salvisberg Software & Consulting BOXER Text Editor 6.0 (01-05-94) Boxer Software BOXER/OS2 Text Editor 6.0 (01-05-94) Boxer Software Brother's Keeper 5.1 (02-01-93) John Steed By the Numbers 5.0c (12-26-93) R.K. West Consulting CALC_JNC 9.51 (02-20-93) James N. Cox Car Restoration Diary 2.30 (11-05-93) RMH Computer Services Chris's Automobile Recorder 13.2 (01-08-94) Cooney Applied Technology Citizen 3.2a (01-13-94) R.K. West Consulting Cliche Finder 1.7a (08-25-93) R.K. West Consulting CNC CAD CAM Package 1.4 (12-20-93) Northland Multisoft Computer System Manager 1.40 (12-10-93) RMH Computer Services Contact Manager 3.00 (11-25-93) DataTek Computer Services Contact Manager Custom Reports 1.00 (11-25-93) DataTek Computer Services Contact Scheduler 1.70 (11-25-93) DataTek Computer Services Creativity Package 3.2a (01-27-94) R.K. West Consulting Crossword Creator 5.11 (10-01-93) PC HELP-LINE Crystal Ball 3.4 (01-13-94) R.K. West Consulting Curses! 3.0a (01-12-94) R.K. West Consulting DaMenu 1.21 (12-01-93) Just-In-Time Computing Services DR. Memory 3.3 (01-09-94) Cooney Applied Technology EGAWHEEL V.1.91 (12-18-93) WHEEL Games EXPRESSCALC 4.10 (05-02-92) Expressware Corporation EXPRESSCHECK 4.04 (11-18-93) Expressware Corporation EXPRESSGRAPH 1.05 (05-01-92) Expressware Corporation FILE EXPRESS 5.1 (12-10-93) Expressware Corporation Appendix E, "Sorted list of all programs" 120 File Finder for Windows 2.1 (08-31-93) Simian Id Software FileBUDDY 3.11 (12-18-93) Lenard Dean Fortune Teller 4.2b (01-13-94) R.K. West Consulting FSLOGIN 1.3 (12-31-93) Confirm Geomancy 4.6c (01-11-94) R.K. West Consulting Hard at Work 1.3b (01-11-94) R.K. West Consulting Heart Smart 2.0 (01-25-93) Henning Associates Home Plan 2.6 (01-01-94) Home Plan Image'n'Bits 1.0 (11-24-93) Bananas Software Inc JailBird 2.11 (11-05-93) RMH Computer Services Jason's File Finder 2.0d (09-03-93) RMH Computer Services Kid Art 1.0 (01-29-94) R.K. West Consulting Little Black Book 6.00 (01-30-94) GTX Software LK4.EXE 2.0 (10-20-91) GTX Software LOGGIT 4.00 (01-01-91) GTX Software Lotto Thunder (PICK-6 Version) 1.2 (11-01-92) Charles P.Staats Lotto Thunder Quint (PICK-5) 1.2 (11-01-92) Charles P.Staats LoveDOS 1.4b (01-11-94) R.K. West Consulting Maillist / M-Label 5.7b (01-10-94) R.K. West Consulting Managing Your Food 4.51 (01-01-94) MYF Software MAPIT 1.3 (01-13-94) Allison Software Master Control 1.40 (11-25-93) DataTek Computer Services MathCounts 1+2 1.2 (01-07-94) Able Art Software MathCounts 3+4 1.2 (01-07-94) Able Art Software MAXI Form 1.7 (02-14-92) Herne Data Systems Ltd Mayan Calendar 3.7 (01-28-94) R.K. West Consulting MERIT BADGE TRACKER 3.1 (12-04-93) Robert Barrentine Consulting METROTUNE 2.01 (01-01-94) SCIENCE FUN MusicEase 4.02 (01-10-94) RMH Computer Services NAG 1.0a (01-11-94) R.K. West Consulting NeMenu 1.01 (12-01-93) Just-In-Time Computing Services Network Appointment Scheduler 1.10 (11-25-93) DataTek Computer Services Nominal Pipe Size for Windows 2.0 (09-03-92) Herne Data Systems Ltd NPS - Nominal Pipe Size 2.1 (10-01-92) Herne Data Systems Ltd O.R.B.Y. 1.0 (12-21-93) Able Art Software ON-SIDE 2.0 (10-20-93) Expressware Corporation Over_LAZ HP 4 (01-01-94) Herne Data Systems Ltd Over_LAZ PS 3 (01-15-93) Herne Data Systems Ltd PC-FOOD 5.41 (01-15-94) SCHRECK SOFTWARE PC-FORMS and PC-LIBRARY 6.30 (11-17-93) Blackledge Law Office PENDULUM 3.01 (01-01-94) SCIENCE FUN Personal Calendar (PC) for DOS 14.62 (10-07-93) FunStuff Software Personal Challenge 1.0d (01-27-94) R.K. West Consulting Personal Finances 2 4.02h (01-12-94) Spitfire Software Personal Tarot 2.7b (01-13-94) R.K. West Consulting PMFLCOMP 1.41 (01-03-94) American Coders, LTD. Poetry Generator 2.4a (01-28-94) R.K. West Consulting PopDBF 4.05 (07-29-92) Lighthouse Software, Inc. POST TRACKER 1.0 (01-27-94) Robert Barrentine Consulting PowerBatch 2.0 (12-01-93) CSD, Inc. Appendix E, "Sorted list of all programs" 121 Purge 2.22 (01-01-94) Blue Ridge Software, Inc. QPACS 3.2 (01-01-92) Richard A. Williams Recap 3.2a (01-11-94) R.K. West Consulting RexxBase 1.17a (01-12-94) American Coders, LTD. Richard Webster's Aura Reading 3.0a (01-11-94) R.K. West Consulting Richard Webster's Numerology 3.0a (01-13-94) R.K. West Consulting SAB Diskette Utility 2.50 (01-01-94) Stewart A. Berman Seascape 1.4 (11-26-93) Advanced Computer Tektonics Shareware Tracker 3.11 (11-05-93) RMH Computer Services SNAP-P D2.1 (01-10-94) Neptune Systems StatTrak for Baseball 5.2 (01-20-94) ALL-PRO Software The Stock Analyst 2.00 (01-01-94) Visionary Software (C/- SDA) Super!Market 1.10 (12-01-93) Trulli Tops Software, Inc. Task Killer 1.5 (01-26-94) Hyperion Microsystems Task Scheduler for DOS 2.5 (08-01-93) Simian Id Software Thelma ThistleBlossom 5.20 (12-26-93) Timpanogos Software Thelma's ClichePlus 1.8 (01-04-94) Timpanogos Software Thelma's SpellPlus 1.1 (01-04-94) Timpanogos Software TIT-for-TAT 1.0 (01-20-94) King Software TreeChart 1.10 (12-07-93) FineLine Software Utility_Belt 1.1a (02-14-92) Herne Data Systems Ltd VGAWHEEL V.1.91 (12-18-93) WHEEL Games WDiff 1.11 (12-30-93) C.Sitte Softwaretechnik Wild Pitch! 1.1 (11-22-93) MS Software WINWHEEL 1.70 (01-16-93) WHEEL Games Workbase 4.1a (01-12-94) R.K. West Consulting Wynter Stone's I Ching 1.0d (01-12-94) R.K. West Consulting Wynter Stone's Quick Guide 1.50 (01-31-94) R.K. West Consulting XPENS 1.3 (01-01-94) Richard A. Williams Your ESP Test 1.3a (01-12-94) R.K. West Consulting Appendix F, "Supporting Members" 122 Appendix F Supporting Members The Association of Shareware Professionals expresses a special thanks to the following supporting members: Authors: David Berdan - ExpressWare Corporation Richard Cherry Jr. - Cherry Tree Software Phil Katz - PKWARE, Inc. Sammy Mitchell - SemWare Vendors: Die Deutsche Software Bibliothek George Margelis - Bugetware Gregory N. Wilson - Big Byte Software Mohiyel-Din Hussein - Husco Michael C. Comish - Software Excitement! Arthur Tendler - The $5 Computer Software Store BBSs: Don W. Watkins - CompuServe (IBMNET) Tess Heder, Brian Miller - Channel 1 Jon H. Larimore - GLIB Bruce Jackson - The Break Dave Harrison - Metro Online Neil Fleming - Canada Remote Systems Index 123 Index 80286 utilities See: O Utilities, Hardware Optical character utilities, 286/386/486 recognition See: utilities Graphics, Business 80386 utilities See: applications, OCR Utilities, Hardware applications utilities, 286/386/486 utilities Q 80486 utilities See: quotations 30 Utilities, Hardware utilities, 286/386/486 R utilities RAM utilities See: Utilities, Hardware A utilities, CPU & memory ASP 30 utilities Restore See: Utilities, H File utilities, Backup/ Handicapped See: restore Utilities, Special needs retail software 30 M S MCGA utilities See: Soft fonts See: Utilities, Utilities, Hardware Printer utilities utilities, Screen utilities, EGA/VGA T specific Trojan horse See: Memory utilities See: Utilities, Security Utilities, Hardware programs utilities, CPU & memory utilities V VGA utilities See: N Utilities, Hardware NDOS See: Utilities, utilities, Screen Software tools & add- utilities, EGA/VGA ins, For JP Software specific Norton's NDOS See: Utilities, Software tools & add-ins, For JP Software